D91 Still a couple of weeks to go at least. She is putting on nice long bud mass as all bud I'll get off her will have very few sugar leafs. And with the top 30cm of the nodes bent outwards it's allowed the light to reach down deeper into the plant itself, and well, you can see the results, bud sites galore. Not much left to do with her. I threw her into a heavy flush for 24hrs first flush run-off was coming back at 2900, way too high, salt and nute residue is been left behind because of the poor P-K uptake that control the spread and uptake of nutes. Got her down to 980 today with her final flush before going into her rest. After the flush I poured 100ml of 2ml/l of cal to help break down the nutes behind so the plant can uptake them, this is very important when doing a flush to lower your TDS add some cal to it as this will keep the plant sucking not only thr water and leaving the nutes behind, cause you need cal espically in subs with nute build up it has to be broken down and will help to avoid nute lock or going into an unwanted flush to early.
I'll be dropping her next feed by 200ppm down to around a 1000. I will still give the nutes I've been given just a little less and she needs to get ready for a flush but be kept with enough to keep her mass of growth going. RH is between 55-60%:air been blown in is reading at 48-50% temp is 22c in tent it's 21.7c in the dark and 27-28c with the light on. With my new 4inch intake smart fan im going to set it up so it blows 100% air in at the top and a 4inch intake fan will suck out 80% I'm hoping by doing this it will change the RH of the room 48-50% into the tent creating the same environment. The air that is brought in is filtered by a carbon filter, no need for 1 to blow the air out.
19/3/22 As you can see I have the RH as best as I can get in my grow room, I've installed the smart fan and inserted the sensor giving me 57%RH 75F in the tent, with the light off, it's rather hot today, much hotter than normal, it's normally 21c in my room it's 24.5 today. RH is at 50% in room, hopefully by installing my old intake fan in the lowest part of my tent and suck out 80% While 100% gets blown in on top will bring the tents RH to the same as the room, that's the hope anyways. But 57%RH is still okay, not optimal but not too bad neither
21/3/22 So, I tried out my new method. Of having my smart intake fan suck in 50RH and a bottom intake fan at the end sucking out older air at a lesser speed had it running for 8hrs, no change in humidity whatsoever just dropped the temp by 1.5c. I think the fact I have a 70x70 with so many plants has set the RH and thankfully it's not what it was which was touching on 80rh at some days. A bigger tent and I'll really be able to dial in my grows now I have all the tools to control RH/TEMP from S/H. For now 57%RH when it's low and 62% when the lights are on for a few hours. Stays around 57-60% atm for around 85% of the time. Temp is constant and doesn't change without my control within a range of 4-6c change difference, this number I have no problem in changing and I'll be making my tent a lot cooler after this wk ends. I'll be keeping her at 18c with lights off and 28 with lights on. As for the plant, she has fully turned the corner and I can say whatever the issue was, which no 1 can still tell me what it was not do I know. It wasn't a def because it was so random and hit all different levels of growth. But, thankfully she has passed it, am really dialing in this coco grow. I know exactly how much water she takes without spilling a drop of run-off unless I want it to. The buds, well, they are small at the moment but they are so fucking dense and hard I really hope they get at least 30% bigger of the next 2 wks. The last few days some has but on at least 10% bud mass and all sites have moved out of pre-flower (stigma), so growth is over for the plant, it's just bud sites now, how you can tell is your sites will start to give off their aroma and will start to get sticky to the touch. 85% of the plants buds are all in the same range mature wise or only a few days out from their sister buds. Still some 15% that still has stigma but as this is at the bottom of the plant I know she will not grow anymore but maybe a little if any around these sites.
21/3/22 GRRRRRR stupid rust spots all over her again today, yday she got a mix of all the nutes above, one of these nutes is causing this, I am 75% sure it's overdrive. Really annoying, as there is no deficiencies, no signs, just these poxy rust spots. So annoying, as NO 1 can tell me exactly what they are, it's not a def, the plant ozzs health, she's the pic of it, every leaf stands tall, very good color, slight old nute burn very little on about 10% of the leafs but these stupid rust spots are stupid. Overdrive, or 1 of the nutes is doing this, I reckon it's this as it's only been given that the past 10 days and I'm nearly sure this is the cause, but I can't be sure, and until I figure it out I really don't feel comfortable moving forward with the AN line. Sadly I think I'll be dropping everything but big bud, bud candy&voodoo juice.
22/3/22 Was going through my buds and man, they are so sticky you would nearly say they are done until you look close at them, there still full of pistils, white hairs, the bud growth will come past them, so there is still a big push yet to come so I was hoping to start dropping the micro nutes but I think that would be a massive mistake and cost me dearly on harvest day. Fuck it, I'll flush the shit out of it for 2 weeks on flawless finish and then a week on water and 2-4 days in the dark just on water. With much thought I pushed the PPM back up to 1450. I've decided to drop overdrive. After 24hrs of flushing my coco like crazy I'll be happy to start her back on nutes in 24hrs when she's drank the 2.8-3.2l of water she's currently holding, the run-off from that was 1800 btw, but with salts and so on from the last feed I've learnt with AN the PPM reading is what you give it, not always the Run-off. Yeah I'd trust the PPM reading 2moro if i was doing another ppm run off test, but as im not ill go by what im putting into it, cause my weekly flushes/flushing in general in pretty good, very little nute lock experinces with mixing so many nutes
22/3/22 Messaged AN and sent them pics and info, by going through my nutes and the fact that I gave some big bud in the same window as overdrive causes these rust spots. Thankfully I finally have an answer as to the rust issues. Just a bad mix with nutes that shouldn't come into contact with each other. Thanks AN
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