🏆 Last chance to vote!
Clones are nice and rooted threw off some new growth. So its time to rock and roll into flower. Get this breeding underway. Been on 12/12 for couple days now and the male has soared. Definitely gunna be more than adequate height to dump pollen down on my ladies. I treated with Dr zhymes as s preventative. I also got them on a balanced feed. Hopefully that will get the ladies engines booming. Until next update. Happy growing and stay lit fam. Update **** Holy ball sacs! The master kush is piling on the flowers in clusters. What a machine. Definitely bringing quality traits to the table.
Went 60 days into flower could have possibly went longer but I felt like it’s where I wanted it to be also just couldn’t wait any longer. Overall great grow a lot of challenges but with the help of this site and my own research I’m happy with the results. I will weigh after drying and trimming
Siguen apareciendo pistilos blancos todos los dias dando ya un aspecto de cogollo. Comenzo la aparición de los primeros tricomas y a los pocos dias de regar con top candy comenzo aun mas la aparición de estos tricomas. Los cogollos cada dia engordan mas
Alright Then We just hit week 2 and all is well , have to admit she's showing great , Growth in just 14 days😃 ....... Middle of this week I have decided to start a little training by pulling her over to the side and have decided to top it 👌 Very little water given ,so far and rain water to be used entire growth Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I WISH GD HAD DISCORD SERVER SO GROWMIES COULD HAVE A PLACE TO HELP AND TALK THINGS RELATED TO GROWING IN REAL TIME .....👈 👉SO I CREATED ONE ALL YOU NEED IS TO JOIN THE GROWDIARIES DISCORD SERVER !!!!!!!!!!!👈 LINK IS 👉 https://discord.gg/zQmTHkbejs AND SEE HOW IT PLAYS OUT !!!!!!!
Alright Then We just hit week 2 and all is well , have to admit she's ahead of all the others of same age , nice Growth in just 14 days😃 ....... Middle of last week I decided to start a little training by pulling her over to the side 👌 Im happy with the internode spacing but not the branching , begun heavy lst to try and bring the internode branching up👌 haven't decided yet on Topping 👈 Very little water given ,so far and rain water to be used entire growth Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I WISH GD HAD DISCORD SERVER SO GROWMIES COULD HAVE A PLACE TO HELP AND TALK THINGS RELATED TO GROWING IN REAL TIME.....👈 👉SO I CREATED ONE ALL YOU NEED IS TO JOIN THE GROWDIARIES DISCORD SERVER !!!!!!!!!!!👈 LINK IS 👉 https://discord.gg/zQmTHkbejs AND SEE HOW IT PLAYS OUT !!!!!!!
And with enormous honor and pleasure that i start collaborating with Zamnezia and Viparspectra For this run i will have the pleasure of growing some Runtz genetics from Zamnezia seeds that they wore kind enough to send me for test and review 🙏🙏🙏💚💚💚🙏🙏🙏 and for the testing and reviewing i was blessed with the VIPARSPECTRA model P2000💚💚💚🙏🙏🙏 they wore amazing and send me this LED light for me to do some testing and some reviews. Special thanks to Zamnezia and to Viparspectra for this opportunity, lets make magic together 💚💚💚🙏🙏🙏 For now all is normal, seeds in glass of water and from there in to root riot, now lets see how the tiny babies come outside 🙏💚🌱 And not even 24h later we have them popping out from the root riot 😅 and we are off to what it look to be a great start 🙏🙏🙏 And a couple days latter and this beauty’s are ready to move and have their first contact with organic soil 😅🌱💚💚💚 All i grow is medicine for myself, for me and for my best friend with is me 😆 nothing to sell, so don’t even ask 😅💚💚💚 All info and full product details can be find in can find @ https://viparspectra.eu/collections/grow-lights DISCOUNT CODE - DOGDOCTOR https://www.zamnesia.com DISCOUNT CODE - GROWITGD More info and updates @ https://growdiaries.com/grower/dogdoctor https://instagram.com/dogdoctorofficial https://youtube.com/channel/UCR7ta4DKLFMg2xxTMr2cpIg 💚💚💚Growers love to you all 💚💚💚
Went 60 days into flower could have possibly went longer but I felt like it’s where I wanted it to be also just couldn’t wait any longer. Overall great grow a lot of challenges but with the help of this site and my own research I’m happy with the results. I will weigh after drying and trimming
Went 60 days into flower could have possibly went longer but I felt like it’s where I wanted it to be also just couldn’t wait any longer. Overall great grow a lot of challenges but with the help of this site and my own research I’m happy with the results. I will weigh after drying and trimming
24-02-2022: Decide to remove all the fan leaves of the smallest lady. Just to see what happens. If it is doing her any good I will remove the fan leaves of the other ladies too by next week. Love her without the leaves, she is basically one big bud :)
Alright Then We just hit week 2 and all is well , have to admit she's showing great , Growth in just 14 days😃 ....... Middle of last week I have decided to start a little training by pulling her over to the side 👌 And will continue to LST this week👈 Very little water given ,so far and rain water to be used entire growth Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I WISH GD HAD DISCORD SERVER SO GROWMIES COULD HAVE A PLACE TO HELP AND TALK THINGS RELATED TO GROWING IN REAL TIME .....👈 👉SO I CREATED ONE ALL YOU NEED IS TO JOIN THE GROWDIARIES DISCORD SERVER !!!!!!!!!!!👈 LINK IS 👉 https://discord.gg/zQmTHkbejs AND SEE HOW IT PLAYS OUT !!!!!!!
Alright Then We just hit week 2 and all is well , have to admit she tricked me by perhaps topping herself which stunted her I think ,still good Growth in just 14 days😃 ....... So this little sprout is tuff but I screwed up and placed in a bad spot and it got HEAT STRESSED😭 Fixed problem so should see it bounce back within a few days.......👍 Very little water given ,so far and rain water to be used entire growth Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I WISH GD HAD DISCORD SERVER SO GROWMIES COULD HAVE A PLACE TO HELP AND TALK THINGS RELATED TO GROWING IN REAL TIME .....👈 👉SO I CREATED ONE ALL YOU NEED IS TO JOIN THE GROWDIARIES DISCORD SERVER !!!!!!!!!!!👈 LINK IS 👉 https://discord.gg/zQmTHkbejs AND SEE HOW IT PLAYS OUT !!!!!!!
Last few weeks...should be ready to flush now... Full nuts feed - day 1 Onwarrd will be sugar based water and flush only
23.02.22 4 день цветения. Опрыскиваю раствором Fulvic 24.02.22 5 день цветения. Вытащил проволоку, опрыскиваю раствором Fulvic. Делаем раствор на 4 литра воды: MGB=7,92/5,28/7,92 + Fulvic 8мл + Pro Bloom 0,8 мл. 25.02.22 6 день цветения. Опрыскиваю раствором Fulvic 26.02.22 7 день цветения. Опрыскиваю раствором Fulvic. Снял скрог и пообрывал нижние листья и ветки, немного перераспределил колы, заново повтыкав фиксирующую проволоку. Убрал немного верхних листьев, чтобы свет поступал к нижним веткам. 27.02.22 8 день цветения. Опрыскиваю раствором Fulvic. 28.02.22 9 день цветения. Опрыскиваю раствором Fulvic. Сегодня температура в дневное время была ~20 градусов, скачет напряжение в сети + забыл закрыть окно, а на улице - 5градусов. Полив талой водой 3 литра + 6 мл Fulvic + 0.6 мл ProBloom 1.03.22 10 день цветения. Опрыскиваю раствором Fulvic. Пообрывал немного листьев, освободив нижние ветки для доступа света. 6я неделя завершена - растем и развиваемся=)
Day 65: Watered the plants 0.5L with nuts 722 ppm, 1534 us/cm, PH 6.4 Day 67: Did some defoliation Day 68: Watered the plants 0.5L with nuts 802 ppm, 1676 us/cm, PH 6.4 One plant showing signs of P and K deficiency (Gorilla Cookies)
Another week of decent growth 🌱 All three plants seem to be healthy and are growing quite a lot each day. Having to adjust the light on a daily basis to avoid too much light exposure. Some little deficiencies showing here and there but for the most part they are looking good. 🤞🏻👨‍🌾🏻🤞🏻 ✌️
1 week after swotching to 12:12, this lady feels strong in her 4L pot, smells sweet like 🍓 trying to make her clone and keep her forever if she will be a good girl
Canopy is very crowded, I am going to defoliate quite harshly on day 21. Apart from it being a little packed the plants are growing at a fantastic rate.