Well uhm this week has been a trip and a half the plant doubled in size and started bleeding black and purps ! it's my first experience growing a black strain so please forgive me if I gush more than warranted. anyways, no defoliation for her, no training, no nutes as of yet, but she does have the slightest bit of nutrient burn on the leaves, it's not spread or got worse so i'm happy. Still watered her with my micro and beneficials mix and sprayed her some with my red micro and kelp foliar spray, she seems to really need and like the micro. Also she's drinking one more watering a week, that's 3 waterings a week now ! What a great grower so far, i wouldn t be surprised if I'm chopping her down in 3 to 4 weeks ! thanks for dropping by and please do drop me a message or a suggestion if you have any...