The Grow Awards 2025 🏆


Global pos.
Global pos.
Growing, years
A 89%
P 5%
Fast Buds
Breeders of choice:
45% Fast Buds
32% Dutch Passion
Bio Tabs
Nutrients of choice:
81% Bio Tabs

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Six Shooter Auto
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How to Auto Colorado CookiesCRiSPrGrow
Auto Colorado Cookies
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Summer Grow :-)
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Summer Grow :-)CRiSPrGrow
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P.Cubensis "McKennaii"
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Nova's SO EASY Chem OG
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Nova's SO EASY Chem OGCRiSPrGrow
Chem OG
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Look at the Stars, DawgCRiSPrGrow
Stardawg Auto
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Growing it
trip report : yes . doesnt let me put the right week number in... but it's 130 lmfao.
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3 years ago
BioFlores was kinda lifesaver when i need a flower ratio quick acting bio nutrient. Too bad it's in liquid form !
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5 years ago
always enjoy my time with biotabs, mix it all together, then plain water all the way, used some extra boom boom spray crossing veg to flower , worked great !
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5 years ago

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Spyder7commented5 years ago
Hi, you gave me some grow advice 6 days ago I'm looking to follow up on. I've taken your recommendations and this is what I'm looking to experiment with (all of this I have, or have ordered and will have probably even before I start the seed soak) is: Marphyl Liquid Marine Phytoplankton Soil Enhancer which has an NPK value of 4-0-1 and seems most useful in veg. It comes in 500 ml bottle and they recommend 50 ml/L (its not concentrated) though I don't think I'll use it much at full strength, and only in veg because the ratios are backward for bloom. It has some added benefits though, so I might add a drop of it (10 ml/L) early since Early Miss goes into pre-flower before day 21. It has some P, and enough Ca and Mg that Cal Mag isn't needed the weeks its used. For bloom, I have mostly Bud Juice: like Marphyl, this is also 100% organic and I decided to substitute the Marphyl for their Nitro as Nitro at 12-0-0 doesn't seem to offer as much as Marphyl does since I'd have to dilute that because that's probably too much N for 21 days of veg (including seedling), but Grow (2-14-0) looks good for the recommended week 4 as soil dressing, with some K added and then Bloom (0-0-15) in week 6 with some Cal Mag and NPK from "Nitrogen Fuel" (a 3-1-1 freebie I got that can be added as a supplement in all stages). I'm looking at half strength for anything new and no Marphyl past week 3 to avoid too much N build up. What do you think? Its for Early Miss autoflower, grown in a 3 gallon pot with Pro-Mix "premium potting soil" which I had decent results with for what it was (my first grow is 2 & 1/2 days on the rack and looks like it put out about 25-30 grams, once its dry, from a 2 gallon pot with a 150W LED that draws 63 watts. This is what I'm hoping to improve on (though the bud itself look excellent: very dense and thick with resin).
AlienScrOGcommented5 years ago
Thanks u so much for all the answer .... Good vibe 🍀🍀🍀🍀
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@AlienScrOG, yeah man bless up 🚀
Bloombustercommented4 years ago
Братан, поздравляю тебя с победой в GOTM! ✌️😁👍
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@Bloombuster, update : almost always
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@Bloombuster, thanks bro ! it's always good fun ! 🚀
Nordynllccommented4 years ago
Thanks so much for the likes!☺️ Really appreciate it. Man, you have absolutely amazing grows, harvests, and accomplishments.👍 I've seen, and read a lot of your posts. Got a lot of info from them. Thanks again man!✌️
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@Nordynllc, you got it growmie 🚀
Bluntblazer66commented4 years ago
Hey Bud thanks again for the help. I was told that if I mix nutes in the wrong order it can cause nutrient lockout. The CalMag is instructed on the bottle to add first before any other nutrients. I have been told by a master grower to always start with the Flora Micro then Flora Grow then Bloom. Add all other nutrients after these three are mixed. This is the order I have been mixing since I started growing. I have grown three separate times and for some reason I have had stunting issues with all three grows. All around the same time frame, this is the issue that I am try to solve. Peace out and thanks again 🙏😎
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@Bluntblazer66, yeah the point is there is "good ec" and "bad ec" not every ppm is equal, meaning with calmag you get some higher ec but usually it's not a problem so you put it in first, note the ec/ppm then use that as a baseline for the rest of the ingredients so you just get a better idea of where you're at. Go ahead and drop me a link or a message anytime i'll take a look as you go along
LesClaypool_777commented4 years ago
Thank you Bulbi, thats what i basicly thought. I did the flowering feed first so Im not to far off! Lol. And yes ill contact breeder as this is the second time ive had an auto not AUTO. def try a different strain for next grow. Ill follow you and hope to have future help and experience in my journeys. Thx again!
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@LesClaypool_777, absolutely growmie 👊🏻 Count me in 🚀
Bluntblazer66commented4 years ago
Thanks for your advice, your answer to my question “nutrient lockout” is what I thought also. I had no idea how to fix it so your advice is much appreciated. My micro does contain Azote (N) @ 5%. This is only my third grow and I am just using a (GHE) nutrient internet produced schedule. This problem has happened to all three grows. I will put a pic of nutes schedule on the diary. As well as another nutrient lock question. 😎🙏
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@Bluntblazer66, ha it’s okay man , you always write to me also in French use the little arrow on the bottom right hand of your screen
Dean1commented4 years ago
Hi mate thanks for the advice also having an issue with another of my plants big yield it’s growing ok but but is looking like discolouration in the leaves almost like a marbling pattern which is lighter in colour could this be the orca too only just started using on last 2 diary’s should I just cut it out of the feeding I have just flushed the big yield with ph’ed water and gave it 2ml of A+B per L and 1ml of cal,mag ph 5.9 gave 2L for final flush/feed run off was coming out at 4.3 do I need to match run off ph to what goes in using coca coir as medium I’ll update diary 7 with photos thanks for the advice on other issue 🙏🙏🙏
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@Dean1, i'll check it out growmie.
OrganicNature420commented4 years ago
This guy is a legend. Great help to the growing community 👍🏻❤️🌱🍁
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@deeunit1, cringe 😅 show me one with no dark period then , you seem very confident so clearly you have something to show us , i'm all eyes , but i hope you understand just because you throw an fit doesnt mean you're credible, right?
ozzyycommented4 years ago
suzanne takes you down to her place near the river you can hear the boats go by, you can spend the night beside her and you know that she's half-crazy but that's why you want to be there and she feeds you tea and oranges that come all the way from china and just when you mean to tell her that you have no love to give her then she gets you on her wavelength and she lets the river answer that you've always been her lover and you want to travel with her, and you want to travel blind and then you know that she will trust you for you've touched her perfect body with your mind and jesus was a sailor when he walked upon the water and he spent a long time watching from his lonely wooden tower and when he knew for certain only drowning men could see him he said…
Dean1commented4 years ago
Thanks once again got the h2o2 on order going to see if big yield survived after the flooding I gave it 👍👍👍👍🙏
RonnieBcommented2 years ago
Roger to your question that got removed. Are you east coast mid west or west coast. I do have a jbeezy wedding cake cut, the original. Trust me other wedding cakes are schwag compared to the original. Roc made 200 of these. Thug pug unicorn poop x OG Runtz x Capulator Mac 5. These four strains are Incrediblly popular that they have a cult following. So roc crosses all four from the original breeders. I also have beleaf colab with Roc. Platinum Gucci and Platinum punch. Both beleaf creations. Ethos white wedding and banana daddy. I have 10 or more of new and old night owl. Mephisto and Mephisto wedding on the way.
CRiSPrGrowcommented2 years ago
@RonnieB, i'm not stateside yet growmie, i'm heading over soon though, gonna move near some legal states, and gonna set myself up from day one. My focus will be all about the CRiSPr genetics though , gonna try and show and teach how to make some CRiSPr weed , glo in the dark, purples / blues and some other shit like that , hope y'all will like it ! 🚀
RonnieBcommented2 years ago
You do any seed trading? I have a very rare pack that wasn't available to the public ...From Rocbud Inc himself. Miracle Zooks Regs. Zookies x with Mac 5..I don't know how many there arre because it is sealed. YOu know how rare mac5 is and how popular it is..These were not sold to the public..YOu only got them randomly as freebies wheen making orders from Roc..If you've never grown rocbud you really need too. Check out my 1st diary, and its pictures, its half Rocbud.. Its the first plant in the video on week 11 check it out..Remeber 1st diary week 11...Roc has some incredible genetics. I just grew Kush Mints he got from Seed Junkies and instead of 600 dollars a pack he sold them for 60..HEs a good dude..
CRiSPrGrowcommented2 years ago
@RonnieB, yeah man I'm always on the look out for very interesting seeds and genetics from the small breeders to try and get away from these big seed suppliers that are monopolizing this market. I wouldnt really pay that much for them though... or maybe i could be convinced to, but they'd have to sweeten the deal somewhat.
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
Another goldie to add to the list. Glad your getting them as opposed to the cheaters. Have really destroyed GOTM for me. I'd poxy snap and only end up fighting with every1 if I seen cheaters come up on me after they close down loads of Q. Or what happened to GFR. Would dive me crazy. Hopefully someday when I have the knowledge to play fair and be at the top I'll go back to it. Anyways nice win. Congrats bro
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, thank you growmie - i'm rooting for you 🚀
Jamescartercommented3 years ago
Safe bro thancks for advise bro means a lot I put a lot of swer to get where iam and looks like it's paying of not everyone can do this can they your are awsome man keep intouch bruda jay uk wu from?
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Jamescarter, i'm from the US but i'm in Europe right now growmie
Jamescartercommented3 years ago
Yea there getting the size of my thumb so rekon leave a few more days and al give em half dose pk bro al let you no how gos on bro
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Jamescarter, good luck growmie 🚀
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommented4 years ago
Yo bro where's the diaries?? You need more man. yours are awesome 👌
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, coming soon growmie ! 🚀
420Highlifecouplecommented3 years ago
Good luck bro with your grow 🌱😎🤙🏼💨🍁
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommented4 years ago
What was the chat thing? I left I thought it was a scam or something 😕
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommented4 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, shit I can't get in now
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, added you back just in case
karimbacommented4 years ago
@lassos @rock_n_roll_randy take me dudes take me 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
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