Week 9 Update – Pushing Limits 🌿
Everything is running as it should, but AN#3 is completely maxed out—there’s no more room left in the tent. One thing is clear, though: the difference in stem thickness between BioBizz#1 and AN#4 is striking, likely due to Rhino Skin. AN#4 is also developing a gorgeous layer of frost as expected. ❄️
BioBizz#1 – BT35
The CalMag issue is fully under control now—she’s getting 140/40 and shows no visible deficiencies anymore. Overall, she’s in great shape!
AN#4 – BT35
There’s a minor calcium deficiency visible on one leaf, but at this stage, it’s not a concern. Advanced Nutrients CalMag Xtra is doing its job well at 1ml/L.
EC: 2.4
pH: 6.5
Drain: pH 6.1 (EC not measurable due to organic soil).
AN#3 – BT31
She’s lagging slightly behind the others, though she should be further along. This is due to suboptimal conditions—she’s far too close to the light, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Supercropping is nearing its limits, but thankfully, vertical growth has almost stopped!
EC: 2.4
pH: 6.5
Drain: pH 6.1 (EC not measurable due to organic soil).