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Bienvenidos amigos, he cumplido 19 semanas de vida, 11 de floración y una como reina del jardín!! 😍... mi nombre creo que es Amnesia, soy algo olvidadiza 😵, mi apellido es Kush y desciendo de antiguos linajes Haze y Kush, soy fruto del mestizaje de plantas emigrantes y reúno en mis genes las mejores sativas de dos continentes...llámame AKU!! 😘 y si te acercas a mi... te regalaré aromas complejos e intensos, a incienso, madera y frutas ácidas que recuerdan a lima y pomelo. Esta semana he bebido 3247ml de agua de riego, un 4% menos que la semana anterior, pero es que las temperaturas bajaron mucho desde hace 4 días, todas las plantas de la carpa de cultivo nos hemos juntado para darnos calor. Ahora dedico todas mis energías en hacer crecer mis flores, y poco a poco, las hojas más grandes comienzan a cederme sus nutrientes, y al hacerlo, el bello color verde cambia y se tiñe de amarillo vetado, como las mechas en el cabello de las hembras humanas, ahora también soy, la tigresa del jardín de la alegría 🐯!!... I loved! 😍 24/04/21 La vida de reina es un lujo, todas mis compañeras me admiran y quieren ser como yo! Pero les va a resultar difícil tener unas colas tan gruesas como las mías. Hoy mi jefe me ha dicho que un día vendrá con unos amigos para que me admiren también... serán raros seguro!! 😁 Mi cultivador me ha hecho una mezcla de riego muy nutritiva, para que siga engordando mis colas y no me falte de nada: Hidrolato potásico de leonardita con fósforo (Humato PK) al 1,5%, Biol de frutas con Microorganismos Eficientes -EM (MMA, BAL, Vitaminas, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu...) al 1,5% y melaza. PH: 6.64, EC: 1.30.1400ml... muy rico!! 27/04/21 Hoy me han hecho un riego muy suave, porque he comido mucho últimamente y mi cultivador no quiere que me empache. Una mezcla sólo con agua de montaña y melaza. PH: 6.60, EC: 0,40. 1600ml. También me han añadido nutrientes y minerales sólidos en el sustrato, para que coma poco a poco cuando lo necesite... I loved! 😍 He estado emocionada todo el día con la visita de los amigos de mi jefe... hasta que han llegado! 😕 traen también a un cantante dicen que nos divertiremos, pero... todos parecen salidos de un funeral! 😲 es extraño, me miran y me dicen que me quieren, que estoy muy guapa y bla, bla, bla... pero creo que son simples saqueadores de marihuana!! 😡 Los conocía a todos, excepto a una niña repelente, siniestra y antipática que se llama Miércoles... creo que ya la odio!! 💀 El resto han estado fumando, y de vez en cuando me miraban y sonreían... me daban miedo, hay uno de ellos, muy grande, al que nadie hace caso o se ríen de él, no le invitan a fumar ni a beber, dicen que lo hacen porque no es feliz... ah que gente tan extraña!! 😟 Y comenzó la actuación, se apagaron las luces y Chet empezó a cantar, triste, todos aplaudían y chillaban... yo lloré!! 😪 "...Almost blue Almost touching it will almost do There's a part of me thats always true... always..." Hasta la próxima semana.... SALUDOS A VUESTRAS PLANTAS!! 👸🐅🌲 ================================= 🙄☮️👇🙏👌🤛👍👉👉👉❤️💜❤️👈👈👈🤜👌🙏👇☮️🤩🖐️🏻 =================================
Amnesia Kush · Dinafem
Mars Hydro TS1000 · Mars Hydro
GT 70x70x160cm(2.3'x2.3'x5.2') · Mars Hydro
Agua de manantial ·
Agua de manantial ·
Agua de manantial ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Bio calabaza MMA ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
MMA Plus ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
MMA Basic ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Bio calabaza MMA ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Bio calabaza MMA ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Bio algas EM ·
MMA Plus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Bio calabaza MMA ·
Lacto frutas NPK ·
Agua de alubias ·
Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Agua de lluvia ·
MMA Plus ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
MMA Basic ·
Cola de caballo ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
MMA Basic ·
Cola de caballo ·
Bio algas EM ·
Bio guanos EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
Bio algas EM ·
Lacto auxinas NPK ·
MMA Plus ·
Agua de ceniza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
MMA Basic ·
Bio frutas EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
MMA Basic ·
Bio frutas EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
MMA Basic ·
Lacto mineral PK ·
Bio algas EM ·
Ormus ·
Bio guanos EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
MMA Basic ·
Ormus ·
Bio frutas EM ·
Agua de montaña ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
MMA Basic ·
Ormus ·
MMA Plus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Humato PK ·
Melaza ·
MMA Basic ·
Ormus ·
MMA Plus ·
Lacto mineral PK ·
Lacto frutas PK ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Ormus ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Plus ·
Lacto mineral PK ·
Levadura de cerveza ·
Agua de ceniza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Agua de lluvia ·
Agua de montaña ·
Melaza ·
Cream Mandarine XL Auto®️ SWS55 - Tall-stemmed autoflowering strain. This high yielding 4th Generation autoflowering strain is the resulting hybrid from the cross between selected specimens of our Cream Mandarine Auto®️ (SWS29) and a Super Tai’98 elite clone. 9.7 - 10.13 ----------------------------------- 10.9 - 2 M, 4 B, .25 Flp, .25 EW, .5 Molasses #1 & 2 10.12 - 2 M, 4 B, .25 Flp, 1 FS, .5 Molasses #2 ----------------------------------- 3 Gallon Fabric Pot 67% Cana-Coco 33% Perlite - Sta-Green Purple Clips ------------------------- Tent: 2’x4’x5’ GA Tent 600D 1 Gal Humidifier 1x 6” Clip Fan 1x 28” Oscillating Fan 1x 4” Carbon Filter with 2x 200 CFM ------------------------------------------- 3 Gallon Tall Fabric Pots Spider Farmer SF1000 LED - Spider-Farmer Optic 1 54W 3500k - opticledgrowlights Optic 1 XL 100W 3500k – opticledgrowlights Optic 1 XL 100W 3500k (Dimming) – opticledgrowlights Cana COCO - Coco Brick Perlite - Sta-Green Filtered Water – Everest Machine Botanicare Cal-MAG Plus General Hydroponic – Flora Series General Hydroponic – pH Up, pH Down Blue Planet Nutrients - Root Magic Mycorrhizae+ Real Growers – Recharge Fish Head Farms – Fish Shit Brer Rabbit – Blackstrap Molasses Zelda – Terpenez Essential Oil Intensifier -------------------------------------------- Variety: SWS55 Indica: 35% Sativa: 63,4% Ruderalis: 1,6% THC: 18-23% CBD: 0,6% Indoor Yield: 450-650 g/m² Outdoor Yield: 50-300 g/plant Indoor/Outdoor Harvest: 9 weeks from germination Height: 110-150 cm Effects: Relaxing, Happiness, Creativity, Psychoactive, Appetite Taste: Sour, Sweet And Sour, Citrus, Mandarin
Gorilla Girl XL Auto - A 6th Generation autoflowering strain. A tall, “Super Strong” marijuana strain produced by crossing two of most powerful varieties in the Cookies family: Gorilla Girl®️ x Sweet Gelato Auto®️ (SWS74 x SWS76). 10.7 - 10.13 ----------------------------------- 10.6 - 2 CM+, 2 M, 4 B, .25 Flp, .25 EW 1 & 2 10.9 - 2 M, 4 B, .25 Flp, .25 EW, .5 Molasses 1 & 2 10.12 - 2 M, 4 B, .25 Flp, 1 FS, .5 Molasses #1 10.13 - 2 M, 4 B, .25 Flp, 1 FS #2 ----------------------------------- 3 Gallon Fabric Pot 67% Cana-Coco 33% Perlite - Sta-Green Green Clips ------------------------- Tent: 2’x4’x5’ GA Tent 600D 1 Gal Humidifier 1x 6” Clip Fan 1x 28” Oscillating Fan 1x 4” Carbon Filter with 2x 200 CFM ------------------------------------------- 3 Gallon Tall Fabric Pots Spider Farmer SF1000 LED - Spider-Farmer Optic 1 54W 3500k - opticledgrowlights Optic 1 XL 100W 3500k – opticledgrowlights Optic 1 XL 100W 3500k (Dimming) – opticledgrowlights Cana COCO - Coco Brick Perlite - Sta-Green Filtered Water – Everest Machine Botanicare Cal-MAG Plus General Hydroponic – Flora Series General Hydroponic – pH Up, pH Down Blue Planet Nutrients - Root Magic Mycorrhizae+ Real Growers – Recharge Fish Head Farms – Fish Shit Brer Rabbit – Blackstrap Molasses Zelda – Terpenez Essential Oil Intensifier -------------------------------------------- Variety: SWS82 Indica: 42,1% Sativa: 57,5% Ruderalis: 0,4% THC: 18-25% CBD: 0,1% Indoor Yield: 450-550 g/m² Outdoor Yield: 50-160 g/plant Indoor/Outdoor Harvest: 9 weeks from germination Height: 60-120 cm Effects: Stimulating, Psychoactive Taste: Cypress, Fruity, Citrus, Earthy, Woody, Sweet
💩Holy Crap We Are Back At It And Loving It💩 Growmies we are at DAY 42 and she's just killing💀it👌 👉We are in full flowering mode and she's doing great 👈 Everything is looking good even the Tiny Cup 🥤 So Shit , I gave them just a tad to much nutes at the start of feeding 👈 But I have since fixed it So I'm still doing some low stress training 🙃 and some defolation 😳 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍rain water to be used entire growth👈 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Holy Crap We Are Back At It And Loving It💩 Growmies we are at DAY 42 and she's just killing💀it👌 The Gorilla Punch Is Amazing 👏 👉We are in full flowering mode for the stretch 👈 OG 👍 GP 👍 the AF was the hold out but shes finally went into Preflower 👈 So Shit , I gave them just a tad to much nutes at the start feeding 👈 But I have since fixed it So I'm still doing some low stress training 🙃 and some defolation 😳 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍rain water to be used entire growth👈 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Holy Crap We Are Back At It And Loving It💩 Growmies we are at DAY 42 and she's just killing💀it👌 The Smell has kicked in and is wonderful 😀 👉We are in full out flowering 💐 and its looking great 👈 So Shit , I gave them just a tad to much nutes on the first few feedings 👈 But I have since fixed it So I'm helping out with some low stress training 🙃 and some defolation 😳 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍rain water to be used entire growth👈 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Holy Crap We Are Back At It And Loving It💩 Growmies we are at DAY 42 and she's just killing💀it👌 👉We are in full on flowering , gotta say the pink to redish hairs look amazing , not to mention the frost 👈 even the stems and branches are sticky icky 👈 OMG I LOVE THE PINK PISTOLS 👈 So Shit , I gave them just a tad to much nutes on the first few feeding 👈 But I have since fixed it So I'm still doing some low stress training 🙃 and some defolation 😳 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍rain water to be used entire growth👈 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
Hello my friends 👨‍🌾👩‍🌾🔥🔥, I'm still in GD Jail, since more than 2 weeks, so can't reply you my friends, hope will be solved asap.... 5th week of blooming 🌲🌲, Buds stop to grow up and now more fat ❄️❄️ Smel look sweet/candy, smeel start to be strong when I open the box 😍 I didn't yet make a 2nd treatment because I'm a bit worried to spray my buds... I'll watch for an alternative solution... I didn't really found again thrips, but I guess they are still there... 💦I've given 2 l/plant 2 times. Start week, Mid week, today 1x water + terra flores + pk 13/14 1x water only PH@6 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Also to @marshydrococo2 , @News_SweetSeeds for sponsoring 💕💕. Mars Hydro TS 1000 If you want a litle discount on your Mars Hydro order, you can use the coupon Ju_Bps Gorilla Girl F1 fast version See you next week my friends Have a good week end 😁💕
Update on the back right plant that was having issues, flushed it seemed to continue pushing out yellow leaves. We've also just stopped load shedding so hopefully i wont have humidity spikes anymore😇 Still doing same minor defoliation of leaves hiding bud sights. Feels like were getting close to the end now. Starting to have in mind about flushing every plant but don't want to do that too prematurely 😛
Well they have germinated now I know some look abit leggy but will pot up in solo cups probably next week. Only give water ATM not even ph
The first plant I harvested on 23/09/22 day 72, she faded out in lovely reds, purples and almost black fan leaves. She was coated in glistening frost all over and smelt like petrol/fuel with a subtle grapey fruit after twang. I dried her at 60%RH - 18*c for around 9/10 days before putting into a jar. I’ve been burping her for a week now and she smells fantastic. I’ll post some bud pics when both plants are dry. Plant two I harvested on 09/10/22, she was 88 days old and her buds were firm, but not solid. Forgot to take some pre harvest photos so instead I took a quick video of the main cola. Her buds leave a layer of sticky grease all over your fingers, and the smell is to die for. She’s currently drying in the same conditions as the previous plant. Both plants were grown in less than adequate pots as testers, but grew easily and appeared to thrive throughout. Neither got any sort of training as I wanted to see what kind of natural structure would occur. Il do an update with pictures of both plants once they are cured. I highly recommend giving these seeds a go if you’ve got the space! If you haven’t tried Mephisto Genetics yet I recommend you give them a go, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. 🌱💚
This plant was healthy and strong from the get go! She quickly grew in height surpassing all other plants around her. Left me scratching my head a bit considering she was only in a one gallon tester pot. She formed a main cola early on and fat buds on the end of each branch. She didn’t really have the classic cheese smell I love and remember, but it was still nice, more on the flowery side. BOHOLD…. The cheese smell has really started to shine through now that she’s been drying almost a week. It’s a deep cheesy/sour mix of funky goodness. Can’t understand where it’s come from as she smelt nothing like this while growing. She was harvested in day 79 and her buds where rock solid and covered in sticky goodness. Easy to grow, would recommend to anyone who has the space and time. Il do an update once she’s dried and had a few weeks curing. 🌱💚
08/10 - 10l nute water top up, then I noticed her leaves had some spotting which identified as nitrogen toxicity. Dumped the res, ran clean ph water for a couple hours, dumped that res and then refilled at 32% strength. 25ml Micro, 4ml Grow, 35ml Bloom. Will see how she does. 09/10 - PH bumped to 5.8. 10/10 - PH has been plummiting, but I think my pens busted. Ordered a new one next day. Topped off with 8l of water at 40%. 11/10 - PH pen was indeed busted. New one just arrived and PH was around 4.7. I've now bumped it back up to 5.8. 13/10 - Full Res Change. Ran ph water for 3h to try and flush some N before adding 25ml Micro, 5ml Grow, 40ml Bloom. PH at 5.75, EC at 1.15. Some leaves at the top of the canopy are dying off due to the Nitrogen tox causing Cal lockout which is unfortunate, but hopefully she gets back on track with the nutes dropped back somewhat. Shes still growing, now at 11" from the light, and the buds are fattening up decently. 14/10 - Ph and EC stable! Debating a W6 flower defol.
Day 77: today i flushed her and then poured 8liters with ripen trough it