**** Tue 17 Dec ****
5 weeks from seeding
My efforts to keep humidity up seem to be paying off
Also bought a small humidifier - will see how well it works
I've released all the LST restraints - they have a bit of room to stretch now
Annoyed now as I've run out of plug sockets (1 light, 1 inline fan, 2 clip fans, 1 heating mat, 1 humidifier, 1 radiator)
Better not need anything else...
**** Thu 19 Dec ****
Humidifier was installed on Tuesday - they love it at 40-45% - that really was the problem
These plants do not like 20% humidity.
Also I chucked in a 14W blurple LED which I got for free - every little helps
The bigger "red" plant has a few leaves which were burned on the radiator in the small tent - think I'll nip these off
The "black" plant on the right is now recovering and really going for it
See video
**** Sat 21 Dec ****
All going remarkably well
**** Sun 22 Dec ****
Here we are 40 days from seeding, and there isn't much for me to do
The humidifier uses about 3 liters every day, so needs refilling once or twice (it takes 2.2L)
They are now easily drinking a liter of water each a day - the pots are dry and light when ready for more
I'm giving them a small dose of 7-7-7 every other feed - it doesn't seem to be causing problems
The fan & filter are sucking in plenty of fresh air and there's no smell at all (if I were to switch it off there would soon be a mighty stink!)
So far lots of flowery pistils but no "sugariness" - I'm sure this will come when ready
The "Red" plant has always been more vigorous - this one is a bit more spread out horizontally and I've trimmed away leaves that were in the way.
While growing faster, a lot more lower leaves have turned yellow on this one so I've trimmed these off.
The "Black" plant was always a bit behind, and it did not like low humidity at all (at one point I thought it was done for)
But since I got the humidity up this plant has really got its act together - in fact now it's probably heavier than Red.
This one has had virtually no LST and I've only trimmed a very few lower leaves.
At this point I'm thinking the best thing to do in this box (70 x 70 cm) would be to grow 4 of the same in 11L pots
Would really fill the space very quickly
Anyway lets see how this first grow works out
**** Tue 24 Dec ****
Red on the left is starting to build a bud structure
And on top of the main cola there are signs of stickiness and some tiny trichomes
Must sort out a better camera as my phone is rubbish
Black on the right has taken off - she's taller than Red now
She may be slower but I think there'll be a bigger yield off this one
If I leave the tent door open for a few minutes I can smell them from 10 feet away.
Without the filter I would have a problem
That's the end of week 6
Compare the start and end of this week and there's been a fair bit of growth going on