**Week 6 Flower - October 24 to 30, 2020, Days 36 to 42*********
The girls spent a full week in the bigger tent now and appear to be liking the extra room and air movement. The girls are not changing much in size now and just want them to swell at this point. Some of the hairs are going red now and need to get a flush in to bring down the ppm and then lay a nice finishing feed in the media. Overdrive being added now that we are at the finish line for feed. Expect another week of feed and then flush for two weeks. These girls may need some help though and Flawless Finish might be used.....will try and avoid though and let them finish on their own.
Trichomes are really plentiful on these girls. The lower points are also very frosty. Nugs are getting really nice colour to them and expect to see further colours come out in the days ahead😀 So we give them their last ripening feeds and then reduce to plain water by mid to end of next week. Since they are in coco I am going to feed them a little longer this run, feel I have missed some potential last run and hopeful this will run 9 weeks for a nice finish.
There were five days this week with adding moisture to the pots and a larger flush at the start of the week.
Little more detail.......
Oct 24/20, Day 36
- girls flushed in the morning with 20L of water at 4.5pH.
- in the PM they were given a feeding of nutrients as RO water was used to flush.
- 2L - Sensi Bloom, Overdrive @ 2ml/L, Liquid Wt, Vitathrive @ 1.5ml, CalMag @ 1ml
- Last feed was 850ppm and 5.7pH.......should make the girls a little happier and rinsed off the roots.
Oct 26/20, Day 38
- Heavier week 6 feed today....not many feeds left
- 4L - Terp.@3ml, Sensi Bloom, Overdrive, Rezin Microbes@2ml/L, Liquid Wt,
[email protected], CalMag@1ml
- 1125ppm and 5.8pH going in. A stronger feed today with the last microbes for the girls.
- the green on these girls is a little lighter than Gorilla Girls and looking better.
- the colours are continuing to come out in the bud.
Oct 27/20, Day 39
- 3L - Sensi Bloom @ 3ml, Overdrive, Rezin, B52 @ 2ml, Liquid Wt @ 1.5ml = 1125ppm and 5.7pH
- the girls had lots of runoff yesterday and then lots again today......slowing down now?
- There is getting to be some pretty red hairs in the bud.....she may not go much past weeks???
- the bud sites are forming pointy tops now.......hmmmm she's getting close.
Oct 29/20, Day 41
- 3L - Terp @ 3ml, Sensi Bloom, Overdrive, Enzymes Komplete @ 2ml, Rezin, Lq Wt @ 1.5ml
- 1150ppm and 6.0pH for the girls.
- runoff amount was lower today, dry out day yesterday.
Oct 30/20, Day 42
- 3L - Terp @ 3ml, Sensi Bloom, Overdrive, CalMag, Rezin, Lq Wt @ 2ml
- 1350ppm and 6.0pH........one of the last feeds.
- C471 is a lighter colour than C472. C472 has some green/bluish leaf colour.
- I suspect we are going to need Flawless Finish to bring these girls home.....they are still darker than I would like.
That wraps up week 6 and the girls looking really nice. They fill up half the tent nicely and have room to breath. They are a beautiful height to work with. Buds are getting more dense. She will be a nice girl.......I am missing somethings though and she is not finishing as I had worked out in my head😵