Hello 😊
Welcome back to my harvest of my 420Fast Buds strawberry pie girls and i cannot say how much did I enjoy these girls they were fantastic.
I've always thought that autos were small and not very strong but both my strawberry & lemon pie girls were absolutely fantastic and proved me wrong.
These strawberry girls didn't grow massively but we're thick, big, bulky and very frosty even her leaves.
Wonderful colours not only did they look good they smelt good too.... although as you can see both diaries didn't turn around until I used my Hesi nutrients on this diary I started them the day she went into flowering and you can see the turn around by a week later.🌱💚👍
No problems in growing and they both loved training so please do not be afraid to try. I'd defently recommend them to any grower even beginners.
Thanks for reading
Greenfingeress 💚
Er igen blevet en del af min top 3. 😉 Hun dufter så sødt og frugt og stadig lidt jord agtig. Hun bliver glad for mere varme i næste uge og sol og hun har fået masser af kærlighed 😍
Er bare lavet for sjov men den gør det godt nok super godt afllgevel. 😉. MEN JEG håber at den bare kan bærer sine buds. 😉 Ved at der er andre der også laver samme forsøg for at tjekke rødder osv. Plus det bare sjovt at se hvor lidt der skal til af plads til at lave bare 25gram
Er gået over alle former for forventninger. Glæder mig til og se mere til mine børn 🧒 når jeg har været i behandling er væk i mindst 6uger hvor fruen passer dem. Men JEG UNDSKYLDER MANGE GANGE FOR JEG HAR FØRST MULIGHED FOR AT OPLOADE OM MIN 6UGER IGEN. DESVÆRRE
21 st day of 12/12. Defoliation.
Try smaller containers or longer veg. Plants should be able to drink at least its pots water holding capacity once a day.
Will try 5 liters of medium.
Somę of them drinking more than 2 liters a day.
Much better to overage and remove branches than not enough root mass.
Har aldrig oplevet noget lignende denne strain er en af de bedste, jeg skal helt sikkert prøve den igen når teltet og haven er tømt. Terra bud gør virkelig noget godt og plagron også det fulde udbytte fuldstændig sindsygt godt. Men der stadig 4uger igen.
Ved det bliver kæmpe buds på hende.
21 st day of 12/12. Defoliation.
Try smaller containers or longer veg. Plants should be able to drink at least its pots water holding capacity once a day.
Will try 5 liters of medium.
Somę of them drinking more than 2 liters a day.
Much better to overage and remove branches than not enough root mass.
21 st day of 12/12. Defoliation.
Try smaller containers or longer veg. Plants should be able to drink at least its pots water holding capacity once a day.
Will try 5 liters of medium.
Somę of them drinking more than 2 liters a day.
Much better to overage and remove branches than not enough root mass.
Summer isn’t officially here and the heat is still kicking my ass, the girls are loving it though. 3rd topping completed in the 4x4, the FX3 3x3 both phenos are doing phenomenal! Taking clones next week to secure the bank, looking forward!