The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
A sad week, I found bud rot and had to take my plants out and do a big check and remove all dense underdeveloped growth. It will be a pretty big hit on the yield I guess but the most important thing is learning and that I did. The bud rot could spread due to my RH being 65/70 at nights and it used to be +80 before, + bad airflow. I got new fans in the tent and my dehumidifier was ordered already but its not in yet. On the other side, the plants are looking pretty damn good, they smell amazing and 3 of the 4 plants is getting a very dense nug structure.
New under canopy lights are here and finally in! I know it's a late addition to this grow, but cannot wait to see how this affects the lowers and yield!
They be stretching! Did a major defoliation this week and standard water change - pushing nutrients again!
☘️22/11 - La semilla se hidrato en agua durante 24hs. ☘️23/11 - La puse a germinar en papel húmedo. ☘️25/11 - Ya germino y aproximadamente media 3cm. Ese mismo dia la coloque en un vaso chico con un poco de tierra. En una semana ya la traspaso en una maceta de 10L y ya queda en esa maceta hasta el final. ☘️27/11 - Broto el plantin. Se encuentra bien por el momento. Por lo que noto viene rápido su desarrollo. ☘️Voy a dejarla 2 semanas en crecimiento con luz 18/6. Una vez que este en flora lo cambio a 12/12. ☘️El banco de semillas comenta que en indoor todo su desarrollo es de 75/80 días. ☘️El banco aclara: una variedad para cultivadores experimentados ya que, si se producen diferentes factores de estrés en el cultivo, es una variedad que puede dar alguna inflorescencia masculina en un 2% de los ejemplares, por lo tanto es un dato a tener en cuenta dada su descendencia americana. ☘️Los productos que voy a estar utilizando son los de advance nutrients en toda su etapa. ☘️Con el ph voy arrancar en 5.8 hasta llegar a 6.4. ☘️En estos días estaré publicando mas imágenes de como viene. ☘️🇦🇷Podes seguirme en Instagram como @bruweed_arg para mas contenido.
Day #24 I gave her some water although she wasn’t asking for it and did not absolutely need it . I will try and wait until she’s positively thirsty before I water her again. My tent humidity has been dropping as the pots dry out but when I check the moisture levels it shows “normal” also as my pots dry out the ph of the “medium” has risen to 6.8-7.1 . Deeeeeeeep at the bottom of the pot it is 5.5. I’m curious about the fluctuations of “soil medium” . Thought to check the accuracy of my ph pen today before watering & discovered it is out of calibration 2 weeks after initially setting it up . I think I’ll look for another PH pen that I can rely on however I’m glad I had the foresight to acquire ph solutions to be able check the accuracy of the calibration of my pen. I don’t want to feel the need to recalibrate before each use nor the desire to check the accuracy each time which is why I sprung for a more expensive pen this time rather than a “ super value “ ph . Back to the drawing board to find a better product . I am still happy with the performance , accuracy & reporting of my smart hygrometer. I am very glad I sent back the original one and replaced it with a competitor brand . I’m wondering should I be getting ready to give her a top dressed feeding in one week . Orrrrr will I wait until she starts showing hunger signs . I premixed more than the recommended amount of plant food when I transplanted her from her starter pot day #9. I’ll think on it a little more. Day 26 Update: She has EXCELLENT structure without any LST, Topping, or SuperCropping. Ponytailing has definitely brought out great growth. I’m a little sad. I believe that I’ve misused the total flower time of the 3 autos finishing in this tent. They have all been in flower since week 2 & 3 of their life . They are currently in weeks 7 & 8 of their life. I was thinking an 8 week flower but these look as if they can go 12-15 weeks. Sooo put simply, these autos may remain in my 5x5 the entirety of my 3 month vegging of “Cellie” Cereal Milk by RQS. The best shots will come once the tent gets harvested & she gets scrogged down . I’ve plucked 2 fan leaves finally although I really don’t want to defoliate any yet . Her lateral growth shoots are healthy and tenacious. I’m super happy with the number of arms & equality of height in the arms . I may eventually be interested in topping this naturally bushy plant . I really want a dramatic filling of this tent so I’m encouraging an over abundance of multiple branches. Branches that I will eventually tie down . Day#28 Update: she finished the week well & is becoming voluptuous . Given her majority indication indica leaning pheno is taking up this Gaia Green like a champ & I was questioning just how tall I think she’ll grow before growing/being trained to grow as wide as the tent . She may be a squat but wide bush 😂 . It’s too soon to tell, the lights are still between 40%-50% & watering is only sparingly as needed the last watering age received was day # 24. Give us a like. Week 5 has began !
New under canopy lights are here and finally in! I know it's a late addition to this grow, but cannot wait to see how this affects the lowers and yield!
12 - 18 noviembre Se realiza poda apical en el nodo 6 y poda de bajos y hojas
19 - 25 noviembre Se realiza amarre en brazos más altos poda de bajos y hojas al igual dóblanos estás dos ranas para generar estrés y emparejar con las demás
19 - 25 noviembre Se realiza amarre en brazos más altos poda de bajos y hojas al igual dóblanos estás dos ranas para generar estrés y emparejar con las demás
19 - 25 noviembre Se realiza amarre en brazos más altos poda de bajos y hojas al igual dóblanos estás dos ranas para generar estrés y emparejar con las demás
In den ersten zwei Wochen haben wir sie praktisch einfach wachsen lassen, da sie Kathi’s kleines Experiment war.
19 - 25 noviembre Se realiza amarre en brazos más altos poda de bajos y hojas al igual dóblanos estás dos ranas para generar estrés y emparejar con las demás
☘️17/11 - La semilla estuvo por 24hs en agua para hidratarse. ☘️18/11 - Puse a germinar la semilla en papel humedo, el 21 de noviembre germino, aprox tenia 3cm. ☘️25//11 - Ya salió el plantin. ☘️27/11 - Ya tiene 3 días de vida, se encuentra perfecta. ☘️Voy a dejarla una semana en Enraizamiento, asi las raices se desarrollan un poco mas antes de pasarla a una maceta de 10L. ☘️Los productos que voy a estar utilizando en todo el cultivo son los de Advance Nutrients. ☘️En crecimiento voy a dejarla 3 semanas con 18/6 de luz. Una vez que ya entre en flora la luz la cambio a 12/12 y el banco de semillas recomienda hasta 9 semanas de floración. ☘️Voy a estar regando con un ph de 5.8 hasta llegar a 6.4. ☘️En estos días estaré publicando mas imágenes de como viene. ☘️Podes seguirme en Instagram como @bruweed_arg para mas contenido.
DIY system zum Anwurzeln gebaut aus den Teilen meines Mars Hydro DWC System. Was auch noch umgebaut werden muss 😄 #ichmachsmirselbst