The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
8/22/2021 - Did some mid-flower defoliation to increase airflow and to prevent mold and mildew. - Split the top right main from trying to train her down and spread out the canopy, supporting with tape and twist ties. 8/23/2021 - Top right main is still vigorous after split.
Nothing new this week. She's still growing steadily and the nutes seem to be doing a good job so far. I'm using the Dual Fuel with a bit of Growth Solution to raise the EC to follow the Green Plant Nutes program and it feels like it's right so I'm keeping like that. The light is set to 100% as the plants are healthy and the weather is getting a bit too cold. As she grew too tall I'm starting some LST to bend her down to keep her at the same height of the other two plants. I upgraded my second inlet fan from a generic 150mm ball bearing fan to a 125mm Phresh Hyper Fan V2 w/ speed control. Now my tent is so much quiet with both Hyper Fans V2 working on blowing fresh air in and out. Maybe I get a Phresh Hyperfan V2 Climate Controller to manage them automatically next upgrade.
Tag 105: Ab heute beginnt die letzte Phase, ich gieße nur noch ohne Dünger, in 2 Wochen plane ich die Ernte.
Nothing new this week. She's still growing steadily and the nutes seem to be doing a good job so far. I'm using the Dual Fuel with a bit of Growth Solution to raise the EC to follow the Green Plant Nutes program and it feels like it's right so I'm keeping like that. The light is set to 100% as the plants are healthy and the weather is getting a bit too cold. I upgraded my second inlet fan from a generic 150mm ball bearing fan to a 125mm Phresh Hyper Fan V2 w/ speed control. Now my tent is so much quiet with both Hyper Fans V2 working on blowing fresh air in and out. Maybe I get a Phresh Hyperfan V2 Climate Controller to manage them automatically next upgrade.
Nothing new this week. She's still growing steadily and the nutes seem to be doing a good job so far. I'm using the Dual Fuel with a bit of Growth Solution to raise the EC to follow the Green Plant Nutes program and it feels like it's right so I'm keeping like that. The light is set to 100% as the plants are healthy and the weather is getting a bit too cold. I upgraded my second inlet fan from a generic 150mm ball bearing fan to a 125mm Phresh Hyper Fan V2 w/ speed control. Now my tent is so much quiet with both Hyper Fans V2 working on blowing fresh air in and out. Maybe I get a Phresh Hyperfan V2 Climate Controller to manage them automatically next upgrade.
Giorno 50 - la carenza di Fosforo e Potassio é sempre più evidente sulle foglie di “Caramel” che ha una crescita rallentata dei fiori; al contrario “Cream” sta crescendo bene e i fiori sono decisamente più grossi, non mostra carenze per il momento Giorno 51 - niente da segnalare, procede bene Giorno 52 - la resina inizia a vedersi bene sulle foglie, i fiori stanno gonfiando Giorno 53 - ho fertilizzato solo “CREAM” perché “CARAMEL” ha carenze ed é inutile mettere ancora fertilizzante, ho dato solo acqua. Invece a “CREAM” ho dato 1 litro di fert (1ml bio grow, 1,5 bio bloom e 1,5 top max mischiati in 1,5L d’acqua. L’altro mezzo litro rimasto l’ho buttato perché era troppa) Giorno 54 - sembra abbia reagito bene alla fertilizzazione “CREAM”, invece “CARAMEL” continua ad avere le foglie sempre più gialle, ma prosegue bene Giorno 55 - nulla da segnalare, l’odore é molto forte, si percepisce anche fuori dalla grow box Giorno 56 - i fiori si stanno gonfiando bene, ho dato circa 750ml di acqua a testa e defogliato la parte bassa dove c’erano tante foglie morte e secche. Ho iniziato il flush delle radici, spero di tagliare tra una quindicina di giorni
I was wondering why she wasn’t breaking ground. So on 4/20 I started looking into the rapid rooter. She was breech! Stuck sideways in the rooter, turned her head first and she’s going in the right direction now!
04/23/2022 I think lemon OG is done Give her a few days more, Biscotti Skunk, grape skunk about 2 -3 weeks out, the Biscotti Skunk has very strong camphor mothballs smell. Not quite sure what to think of her hope buds fill out well. Grape Skunk is doing a bit better but lemon og has performed best in my specific micro climate, others have more flowering to. If I'm going 63 days in flower it might as well be a Sativa variety.
04/23/2022 I think lemon OG is done Give her a few days more, Biscotti Skunk, grape skunk about 2 -3 weeks out, the Biscotti Skunk has very strong camphor mothballs smell. Not quite sure what to think of her hope buds fill out well. Grape Skunk is doing a bit better but lemon og has performed best in my specific micro climate, others have more flowering to. If I'm going 63 days in flower it might as well be a Sativa variety.
Vamos súper bien en las dos primeras semanas se desarrollaron mucho
Un charme à faire poussé. Un chef d'oeuvre visuel et odorante comme j'ai jamais senti . Odeur de yogour au péche Un peut surette . Grosse tête bien dur
Léger retard au niveau de la croissance . Elle as moi s profiter que ses soeur . Bien repris à l'étape de la floraison
Poussé sous les mars hydro 45 jour ensuite changé les lumiere par une sun system rs1850 de 720 watt . Les foxtail on apparue lors de-là flush il y a 14 jour . 30% ambré
I absolutely love to watch them grow! Especially that moment they hit their first growth spurt. I started with RO water that is remineralized for drinking purposes. The ppm is only 18! My tap is 156! So considering they don’t need much water, I’ve been stealing some of our drinking water. The RO water starts at pH of 7. After I add the nutrients, ppm of 249 @ pH of 5.8 while soil is still sweet @ pH of 7 I think my days are off as a new week begins on the last day of the previous week. I am going to leave that for consistency. 04/21 - Noticing some possible nutrient issues with the Fruity Pebbles for several days now. Going to see what she needs. Up front I’m thinking maybe just a super small amount of Amino Acids with a little Epsom Salt. Maybe she is struggling to access the nitrates from the neem cake. IF it’s a issues with nitrogen. We will see. Maybe she would benefit from some extra calcium?… Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Day 22 and I am noticing how these girls have been burning up a lot of potassium lately, dealing with the wind and sun 💨 ☀️, getting pushed around all day. I plant to top dress with some Kelp Meal pretty soon. Day 24 -> 4/22/22- a quote from the weather on today’s red flag warning and dust storm warning. “ HAZARD...Less than a quarter mile visibility with damaging wind in excess of 60 mph. SOURCE...Satellite imagery. IMPACT...Dangerous life-threatening travel.” I’m keeping the girls inside today. Day 26, I was planning to check the runoff on some of these girls, especially the fruity pebbles, however I messed that up as I also top dressed WAY too much of the seaweed bliss. So I flushed with plain RO water at pH of 7 until there was only slight coloration in the runoff. I didn’t check the runoff as a lot has changed with all that flushing. So next watering/feeding I will make sure I check the runoff on multiple plants. So the seaweed bliss with its 17 on potassium, seems to be the most likely culprit for why there is a bronze-ish color on the inside of the new growth. Hopefully a foliar feed of Epsom salts can correct the problem. Inside tent, lights on LOW. Noticing similar pattern in all of them to a degree, most noticeable in the fruity pebbles.
These plants are tremendous! they smell incredible, cheesy and fruity, very blueberry and purple kush like. These plants have packed on some good weight this week, they look great as we move closer to harvest time. This week we watered with fresh water and a molasses water mix. We are allowing these to munch up the last feed worth of nutrients, and slowly flushing them to prepare for harvest in a few weeks time. Very pleased with these three 🥊
(Hope you like and enjoy my diary) 🙏🏾Thank you so much for checking out my grows. Feel free to leave a comment, push the like or give the follow.
Per raccogliere la Watermelon 🍉 auto della RQS 💚 ho aspettato un po' di più di quello che era segnalato sul cartellino I colori sono bellissimi ho appeso l'intera pianta ad asciugare non avendo molto tempo a disposizione in questo periodo anche per questo non ho ho avuto modo di pesare le gemme bagnate ( ho inserito un peso approssimativo che poi aggiornerò una volta pesato l'asciutto e calcolando l'umidità che hanno perso)... Adesso aspettiamo l'asciugatura e la concia per vedere il sapore di questa ragazza...💨 Oggi 19/4/2022 andiamo a mettere nei barattoli questa passato tutto il giorno a pulire questa ragazza e un amnesia di cui non ho fatto nessun diario...sono esausto!domani aggiorno foto gemme e peso...