The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
So where to begin I got 108.83 ounces wet from two plants in a 2.3x2.3 on my first attempt not including larf. I can’t complain about that. Took me 14 hours to trim the last plant and boy that was a marathon. I will update this once I get some dry weights and everything goes into curing.
Die Samen wurden am 08.04 in die Erde zum keimen gesetzt und bereite 3 Tage später sind 2 von 3 gekeimt und haben das "Tageslicht" erblickt. Keimlinge Nummer 4 kam jetzt 2 Tage später mit kleinen start Schwierigkeiten die Samenhülle wurde abgestreift jedoch befand sich eine weitere Hülle um den Keimlingen welche er heute an final abgeworfen hat. Woche 1: 08.04 - 15.04 18/6 Lichtzyklus Lichtabstand 30cm (China LED 100w aktuell - Mars Hydro FC 1500 folgt demnächst) LUX 7000 IN 18h 16DIL 18h Temperaturen zwischen 24 und 28 Grad nach vollen 18h Beleuchtung. Luftfeuchtigkeit zwischen 50 und 69% gehalten. Am 13.04 habe ich einen kleinen Ventilator dazugeschaltet ihn aber nicht direkt auf die Pflanzen gerichtet sondern nur auf die Wände damit die Luft Abprallen kann und so die kleinen sich langsam aber sicher daran gewöhnen können. Um die Luftfeuchtigkeit etwas aufrecht zu erhalten habe ich zusätzlich ein feuchtes desinfiziertes Tuch oben in das Zelt gehangen und halte dies bei Bedarf feucht da ich meinen Autoflowern noch kein umtopfen zumuten möchte und die "Domkuppel" zu klein wurde um die Luftfeuchtigkeit so zu regulieren. Stand nach Der 1. Woche Die beiden großen Ladys sind mittlerweile knappe 5cm in die Höhe gewachsen und fangen schon an das 2. Blattpaar auszubilden. Die kleine Lady hat sich von ihren start Schwierigkeiten gut erholt sie misst aktuell gute 3.5cm sie fokussiert sich meines Erachtens auch auf die Ausprägung der Blattpaare.
Hello World 🌎 ☺️ 🤗!!! She sprouted successfully in her Jiffy Pellet.. Added nothing to the H20...Plain Water! After she was about 2cm, I transferred her directly into her final home...which is a 15L Fabric Pot filled with Living Soil...Since she will be growing outdoors.. After the transfer.. Gave her a good feeding of plain H20 but made sure not to drown her though..
estos últimos dias estiraron bastante los apicales aumentando la distancia entre nudos. para bajar el PH utilizo ácido cítrico . El agua de grifo de base sale a 8,2 Ph y voy añadiendo hasta bajar a 6,7 áprox. A los 25 y 26 dias estas plantas poco deberian de crecer más y todas ya han elejido por donde crecer y engordar. Llegados a este punto quité alguna hoja y algún chupóptero y até algunas de las ramas a los tutores como buenamente se pudo. El fin no es otro que mirar de acomodarlas por donde seguir creciendo y no tengan que soportar ellas solas el peso que se les viene encima cuando engorden los cogollos. Como puede verse a una de ellas le salió una mutación genética llamada fasciación. una modificación cromosómica .
¡Comienza una nueva semana de floración y hoy ha sido día de riego con mi producto favorito! 💧💚 Aunque puede que haya sido un poco entusiasta con la dosis (¡pero quién puede resistirse a más de lo bueno!), mis Moby Dick de @kannabiaglobal están en pleno auge. Pero hoy, he notado que necesitaban un extra de potasio/fósforo. MissyLK de AScenza es mi arma secreta en este viaje. Con una composición cuidadosamente diseñada, este fertilizante ofrece una mezcla perfecta para la fase de floración. Su fórmula única contiene un 3 de nitrógeno, 16 de fósforo, 18% de potasio, y una combinación de otros microelementos vitales, diseñados para estimular el crecimiento de cogollos densos, resinosos y llenos de sabor. Además, su contenido de aminoácidos libres, extracto húmico total, ácidos húmicos y ácidos fúlvicos promueven una salud óptima de las plantas y una absorción eficiente de nutrientes. Con cada riego, estamos un paso más cerca de una cosecha que promete ser legendaria. ¡El viaje continúa y cada día es una nueva aventura! 💪🌿
Hallo zusammen 🤙 Sie wachsen sehr schön und machen keine Probleme.
🔵⚪️🔴 Quand est-ce que la plante va arrêter de grandir ? La légende dit "Jamais". Je ferais la défoliation cette semaine je pense. Le bio-filtre est installé. Je monte l'engrais Bloom à 4ml/L. Pulvérisation du "Blooming H", un stimulateur de floraison, hâte de voir le résultat, surtout vu les prix des boost chez cette marque. J'utilise un "nano spray gun" pris sur Aliexpress pour 13€. Le PPFD va de 400 pour les têtes les plus basses à 1500 pour les plus grandes. J'espère que les photos vous plaisent ! 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ When will the plant stop growing? The caption says "Never". I will do the defoliation this week I think. The bio-filter is installed. I increase the Bloom fertilizer to 4ml/L. Spraying "Blooming H", a flowering stimulator, looking forward to seeing the result, especially given the prices of boosts from this brand. I use a “nano spray gun” bought on Aliexpress for €13. The PPFD ranges from 400 for the lowest heads to 1500 for the largest. I hope you like the photos!
very strong resin production, a heavy hitter, nighttime stuff! a real great strain, highly recommended! you can certainly smell the grape with a creamy touch! ps. one of the plants was a mutant, it was very weak, had almost no resin on it and absolutely no scent at all....but it had alot of potency and a awesome yield!
very strong resin production, a heavy hitter, nighttime stuff! a real great strain, highly recommended! you can certainly smell the grape with a creamy touch! ps. one of the plants was a mutant, it was very weak, had almost no resin on it and absolutely no scent at all....but it had alot of potency and a awesome yield!
798 grams for one plant stems and all. 112 grams dry no . This is a bit less than the dwc weigh in but far superior bud and less stem and leaf. I can fit 9 of these plants under the light in my 5x5. Doing the math to attain the grams per watt. If I had the tent full with 9 of them the harvest with light maxed out 720 watts would be approx 1.4 grams per watt plus or minus variations. I hope my math is right here because that's what I'm putting down. I also only had my grow light dimmer at 80%. So really it's 1.73 grams per watt. Can I get a math check?
The buds are bulking and a slight defoliation was done to expose the inner buds. The next week will be the last week of Nitrogen and flush will begin soon. Harvest in approx. 3 weeks
very strong resin production, a heavy hitter, nighttime stuff! a real great strain, highly recommended! you can certainly smell the grape with a creamy touch! ps. one of the plants was a mutant, it was very weak, had almost no resin on it and absolutely no scent at all....but it had alot of potency and a awesome yield!
very strong resin production, a heavy hitter, nighttime stuff! a real great strain, highly recommended! you can certainly smell the grape with a creamy touch! ps. one of the plants was a mutant, it was very weak, had almost no resin on it and absolutely no scent at all....but it had alot of potency and a awesome yield!
very strong resin production, a heavy hitter, nighttime stuff! a real great strain, highly recommended! you can certainly smell the grape with a creamy touch! ps. one of the plants was a mutant, it was very weak, had almost no resin on it and absolutely no scent at all....but it had alot of potency and a awesome yield!
very strong resin production, a heavy hitter, nighttime stuff! a real great strain, highly recommended! you can certainly smell the grape with a creamy touch! ps. one of the plants was a mutant, it was very weak, had almost no resin on it and absolutely no scent at all....but it had alot of potency and a awesome yield!