There is a timelapse of this past week! This plant, the blueberry, is in the background.
Early this week I transplanted the rock wool cube into my DWC system. I pH'd the water, but otherwise did not provide nutes for a few days. The grow tent is now on an 18hr light period.
Sometime in the middle of this past week, this blueberry started wilting! In response, I provided the nutrients listed above, with the addition of 1 gallon of (hard) tap water to provide calcium. Unlike my GSC, the nutrients did not fix the wilting, but the wilting did go away after 2-3 days.
I had some humidity troubles, so I resorted to flooding the bottom of my tent. This does seem to help maintain humidity around 50% RH.
This plant is growing asymmetrically! It's first set of "real leaves" is not even. It will be interesting to see how this pans out.