Overall, we are very pleased with the end result of this grow! For the harvesting process itself - once the trichomes on the buds were milky white (see zoomed in photo above), we cut down the branches and hung to dry in the tent. The light was on in the photo to display the hanging to dry method, but the lights were turned off for the duration of the drying process. On the first day the buds were hanging, all large fan leaves were trimmed. Over the course of the next week, day by day, more leaves were trimmed. After 8/9 days of drying, the buds were ready to move into the curing stage (the test for this: the skinny branches would snap when bent, and the thicker branches were near snapping when bent). On day 9, buds were cut from the branches, trimming off the final accessible leaves, without damaging the trichomes, and placed in glass jars with dehumidifier pouches to begin the curing process. For the first 7 days, the jars were opened (burped) for 10 minutes twice daily. After the first week, burping was reduced to once a day and then every few days. Strain first tested after 10 days of curing, but cured for a total of 4 for optimal results. Citrusy flavor, excellent sativa for mellow productivity and a mood boost. Now that I have my first grow under my belt, it's time to move onto the next!