🏆 Last chance to vote!
Had to split girls up so have one under LED and two under Hps due to space. Also videos pretty poor as broke camera 🎥 😢
Growing really fast and beautiful, off to a great start. I cant wait to see wedding cake auto flourish with buds. I hear great things about Barney's Farm so I am excited to grow these seeds out.
Start of week 3 I believe the girls are doing good a few minor worries but that’s at ease for now I think , i have added nutes at a low level and will increase once I see how the plants react to the introduction of the nutes .. Looking into starting lsd on some plants but not too sure wether it’s to early or so . will continue to update the week but for now Started lst on a few plants day 15 and seen good reactions by day 17 so quite happy with that and will continue this process I will also look into topping my plants as well but not just yet ... they seemed to like the nutes as well so all good week so far Soo topping done on 4 plants wasn’t as scary as it sounded haha let’s see how they recover ! Going to combine lst as well now Very good recovery it looks like and the end of week 3 looks promising with the plants happy growing
First auto run! Fastbuds , Seedsman & Victory seeds! Never done autos before so excited to see how this goes! Day 5 and 2 of the NHL’s from Victory seeds still hasn’t popped😫😬
Strong week of flowering, shes healthy and thick ;) nutes have been upped and sumo boost added for this weeks water change. LST is becoming lighter and defoliation I shall complete on week 3 for the last time, right now just letting her do her thing. Shes also leaning heavy on one side so have had to give her a little support with a soft tie.
Got everything moved around & the new carbon filter, fans & lights so hopefully I got better coverage with less power👍🏼 Topped 1 of the Gelato OGs today was getting way taller than the rest we will see how she bounces back! Everything else seems to be going great! Day 22 topped & trimmed them up a bit Day 23 started LST on a few Day 24 started mainline on one of the GZ Day 25 trimmed them a little more today
The little genetic fuck up still going , And actually smells pretty good too , still feeding for now but keeping a close eye on those milky mushrooms , As soon as they are 💯 milky and say 10% amber I will start too flush ,
I will answer how it smoked in a couple days maybe week
I will answer how it smoked in a couple days maybe week
Almost into the home stretch. Will start looking at trichomes this week. Really hope the buds continue fattening on both the ladies. Day 58 WC - growing strong. Don't know if we should remove any leaves or leave it as is. Thinking of waiting a few days to see how the plant develops. Day 58 BCN - it's recovered from the lack of watering and the leaves are starting to turn yellow. Think that's normal for this far into flowering. Hope we can finish without further surprises. Day 61 - fed both plants and did an additional 330ml of blackstrap molasses (5ml/l). Will start moving to flush in 10 days or so. Not sure if they're ready yet. 🤦‍♂️🏼Added short videos of both ladies.
I will answer how it smoked in a couple days maybe week
Almost into the home stretch. Will start looking at trichomes this week. Really hope the buds continue fattening on both the ladies. Day 58 WC - growing strong. Don't know if we should remove any leaves or leave it as is. Thinking of waiting a few days to see how the plant develops. Day 58 BCN - it's recovered from the lack of watering and the leaves are starting to turn yellow. Think that's normal for this far into flowering. Hope we can finish without further surprises. Day 61 - fed both plants and did an additional 330ml of blackstrap molasses (5ml/l). Will start moving to flush in 10 days or so. Not sure if they're ready yet. 🤦‍♂️🏼Added short videos of both ladies.
Started the week with a feeding using the nute formula above. Also introduced 330ml of blackstrap molasses. Hope the buds fatten up further. Also, the purple is starting to show more 😍😀 Final flush done and waiting to chop around day 67. Fingers crossed, she's growing strong.
2020-06-21 DAY 1 of flower! New week, new nutrient schedule, I kept the PPMs high and changed the ratio. I've tried to keep the 2nd plant on the same nutrient schedule but I had to dilute it within 24 hours because PPM was rising. It seems to have stabilized now. Starting EC = 2.0/1.8 and ppm= 930/880 and pH = 6.0. Added a new dehumidifier but it's totally raising the tent temperature almost 4 degrees F!!! I am in the process of setting up my recirculating system so I can take soon put the reservoir/dehumidifer outside in the same closet, just gotta take out the mini fridge. 2020-06-23 The girls are drinking like crazy! They are drinking much faster than normal so I am topping up with 1.1 mL/L calimagic instead as they still have a ton of food! pH still sinks from 6.0 to 5.5 over the course of 4 days or so but that seems normal for my setup. Threw up a video so you can get more perspective! I now have 3 different dehumidifiers running. There's a small 500 mL one inside the tent which raises temp about 2 degrees F at all times. I have a compressor dehumidifier outside the closet pulling in litres of water a day. I also have a big AC unit with a dehumidifier function that is draining into a 5 gallon pail. I am pulling GALLONS of water out of the air in this room and i've had to close the door to maintain it. Sorry, roommate! No AC unit for you. I had to do some SUPER CROPPING and bend some of the main stems down on plant 01. It was growing way too quickly in the last 2 weeks. I'm hoping the change in nutrients will promote flowering instead of such rapid height!! 2020-06-27 I keep having to super crop, the plant is so damn resilient, it fixes itself in 1-2 days!! What the hell!! I have reduced the feed going forward for next week. 1000 ppm was too high, I ended up having to top up with fresh water + calimagic almost every single day because it was drinking far too quickly. I will lower to 800 ppm for next week but maintain the same ratio. Root system is looking ROBUST on both plants!
Привет всем моим друзьям с разных уголков мира. Я надеюсь своим примером, я показываю вам, то что партизанское движение возможно даже на вражеской территории, оккупированной клептократами. Если вы следите за мной, то вы знаете, что у меня подготовлено несколько партизанских отрядов. У меня было 40 растений Амурского гиганта, который родился в Амурской области, который входит в состав Дальневосточного федерального округа моей страны. Эти растения идеальны для выращивания на всей территории России. Я выбрал 30 самых сильный растений, которые проявляли гены гигантизма и вывез их за город на природу. Для того, чтобы удачно перевезти и трансплантировать 30 растений мне потребовалось очень много усилий, я расскажу вам об этом по порядку. Сразу оговорюсь, что у меня был один помощник, который выполнял всю физическую работу. Одному такое такой объём работы за один день сделать практически невозможно. Если вы один то, вы должны разделить свою работу на большее количество этапов, иначе вам будет слишком сложно. 1. В общей сложности ушло около 425 литров субстрата. Я взял 250 литров земли для цветов, добавил туда 115 литров вермикулита и около 60 литров гумуса – остатки жизнедеятельности дождевых червей. 2. Самым важным составляющим моего субстрата был гидрогель. Он удерживает до одного литра воды в течение 3 недель, даже перемешав его с землёй. У меня было 35 литров гидрогеля. 3. Так же у меня было порядка 30 литров чистой воды, в которые я добавил корневые стимуляторы и активаторы метаболизма. 4. Так же у меня было с собой немного перлита и пеностекла, но мне не хватило этих материалов на все растения. Но вы так же можете их использовать. После этого я выкапывал ямки, засыпал туда субстрат и добавил гидрогель, после чего трансплантировал растения. Мы приехали на место днём, но проработали на нём до самой ночи, пока на улице не стемнело. Как только все растения были удачно трансплантированы, мы удачно покинуло место, не включая фонарей или фар. Сейчас мне предстоит пересадить за один раз более 56 растений и перевезти практически 1000литров субстрата. Это крайне рискованно, но у меня нет другого выбора, так как была плохая погода долгое время. Если вам интересно следить за приключениями травки в России, подписывайтесь на мои дневники.