I top-dressed her pot with about a tablespoon of Happy Frog Cavern Culture and watered it in really slowly with about 1/4 gallon of water and added cal-mag, humic acid, liquid molasses, silica, and I started her on open sesame. Increased Ph to 6.40 to ensure that she can utilize the increased calcium and the P and K I'm giving her.
I did a little BDSM with her today...she's very flexible!😜
She is stretching a little bit, but I hoped to see her reach 36" at least..come'on girl, reach for the sky!
I gave her a little water with cal-mag, boomerang, humic acid, and silica. I can tell she's gonna be a deeper shade of purple than the ad photo, but that's just fine as long as she has those sweet and sour terps and packs a punch.
I sprayed her with boomboom spray this morning...grow bitch, grow!
I did a slow-soak feeding today. Backed off the nitrogen a little more, increased silica, and started adding sweet & sticky and signal.