Starfighter is a celestial treat hailing from a cross between Alien Tahoe OG and Lemon Alien Dawg, making it a beloved descendant of cannabis royalty. This hybrid, with a strong leaning towards Indica, has earned a special place in the cannabis community for its powerful yet manageable buzz. The aroma of Starfighter is a captivating blend of pine, nutty, and skunk undertones, making it a standout in any collection. When consumed, it delivers a euphoric and happy high, accompanied by a pleasant tingling sensation. Recreational users delight in the joyful and relaxed state it induces, making it a social favorite. Medically, Starfighter is often employed to combat depression, stress, and anxiety. Its potent effects make it a reliable ally for those seeking relief. Growers appreciate its robust nature and generous yield, thriving in various climates with proper care. The high THC content ensures a powerful experience, making Starfighter a popular choice for those seeking a substantial yet balanced high.