Germinated the seeds 3/12 I placed two soaked seeds into peat pellets and two more seeds germinated using the paper towel method and then planted directly into the final pots.
3/15 the peat pellet seeds have broken the surface, but remain in the mini greenhouse until more more growth. Still no visible growth on the surface for the other seeds in the pots already.
@homerjgangia, thank you so much! This is my first time growing, I’m very excited and nervous. My wife keeps laughing at how much attention I show my plants. 😂🤓
Don’t stress and compare to other grows it will do your head in. There is a few things that you will learn along the way. For faster growth rates you need to start in small pots and upsize every few weeks this will keep the roots under control and make the plant focus on growth at both above and below the soil line. You will notice they will fill there roots soon and take off from there.
Hope the grow goes good for you and if you need advise at all hit me up.