Sorry for the lack of updates, I keep forgetting to take my phone when feeding and checking on my ladies. The weeks may be out of sync but she's about 10 days left on paper
Nice bud production over the last week my friend 🤗
Not to much longer and its harvest time 🤘
Please keep the diary updates coming 🙏
Kind regards ✌️
Seedstockers 🐿️
I also run a perpetual flower tent, a 1.2*2.4m roof qube. On average I add a new plant (usually different strains) every 7-10 days. As one plant finishes, I move each plant along and another is added. This makes chopping/trimming a smaller but more regular job.
Flower tent has 2 x 240w GN Telos 8 and 1 X 285w Telos 10 pro slim. I'm in the process of upgrading them all to 10 pro which I'm hoping will give me a 50% increase in yield.