15th, that seed with the husk doesn't look great, the other one is fine though
16th, ok, we're down to one, tried to pull the husk off and it was all soft and wet... must have been rotten
17th, transplant to solo cup, looking good, added a good bit of water
18th, no change, added a floor fan at the lowest setting... might be a bit much for the tent
19th, not looking great... one of the cotyledons is going dark, i wonder if i overwatered in the transplant?
20th, cotyledon getting darker, added some perlite and gave it a bit of a stir around the outsides, afraid its all dense and overwatered, the bottom of the cup seems pretty wet and i haven't given any water for a while. opened a couple of vents at the bottom of the tent. not worried about any other light going in there, but need more air getting in
21st, i just noticed that the main in line fan is only coming on for emergency situations, when the heat or humidity is super high.... so i reduced everything so its basically running at 5 most of the time, ignoring the cotyledon, there's 2 new leaves sprouting
I love this plant. It is easy to grow and the citrus smell on the flowering Amnesia plant is so amazing. I am tempted to buy more Amnesia seeds. The fragrance from this plant will make you want to smell it constantly.