Finally going to get to try my hands at growing a CBD dominant strain! While doing my research, I found that this strain came up quite a bit. Of course specialized strains like this that are still in their infancy may have some kinks to work out, I'm excited to see what happens! Maybe this will be a doorway to try to grow other compounds like CBG? I can't wait to be able to compare the two effects side by side - as I've never been able to isolate a CBD specific medication that was cost effective enough to properly dose.
This week was a fairly standard germination week. I picked up 3 seeds, however the hoarder in me always likes to keep a spare JUST in case so I popped 2.
1 glass with 2 cups water, 2 TBSP H2O2 and a heating mat was all it took. They both popped within about 36-48 hours without any issue!
I popped them into soil on day 3 to let the roots stretch out a bit before their dark place, haha. The first seed to pop up is named seedling 1 for now until I know they're in the green, and the other is seedling 2.
I started with a very light nutrient mix between day 5-6 since they had both emerged, just enough to keep the plugs damp.
Seedling 1 popped up quickly, however seems to have stopped growing vertically. Upon inspection of the stem, I did see a small amount of what seems to be a blueish mold of some kind. It must have picked it up when I watered them. Since the plugs are so small, even the smallest amount of water (capful) was enough to temp-flood the small space for a second as the water was absorbed. I can only imagine that the water must have kept the stem damp enough for some fungus to take hold. I was keeping her faced away from the light to try and get her to curve towards it, but she just doesn't want to lol. I've turned her back towards the light in hopes of keeping her stem dry and staving off the mold.
Seedling 2 is doing quite well! By the 7th day here, she's already startling on her first set of true leaves after the cotyledon! I'm hoping that this one remains nice and strong to be able to clone out and get a good run of this going later on!