Day 9 (April 10) - Watered seedling with 150ml of water, PH at 6.2. Slow growth so far. Not much change since it sprouted
Day 11 (April 12) - Watered with 200ml of water , PH at 6.2 and nutrients. 0.5ml of Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom A and 0.5ml of Sensi Bloom B mixed in 1 litre of water.
Day 12 (April 13) - Second pair of true leaves now visible.
Day 14 (April 15) - third and fourth pair of leaves now visible. Watered with 200ml of water, PH at 6.2 and nutrients. 0.5ml of Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom A and 0.5ml of Sensi Bloom B mixed in 1 litre of water. Slight curling on original true leaves, will monitor.
@Lacrima, thank you. It's been fun so far and a lot of reading for a newbie like me. Anxiously waiting for the final product and crossing my fingers that I don't run into any issues.