Second Week has arrived! Plants are growing fast and strong. First signs of a plague though, so grabbed a local "shower" and gave them a bath. Hope this will improve in the near future. Temperature is maintained in time and easy to manage since its near Winter and the weather is not changing so much. I hope this week will get the pest out of my darlings.
Good job bro ! 👍🏼😊 I have the non CBD version finishing up right now if you want to have a look to get an idea of results, should be pretty similar i would of thought 😊
@Stinkfox, Thank you !! Im really happy with the training. I still feel that I could have trained them better, but this won't be the last harvest :) Thanks again for sharing the knowledge.
@Sweet_Seeds, Wow ! Thats very nice to know. I will get some food right away :) .Also, do you think that for an Auto seed I will need more food after week 4 ?
EDIT: I've talked with another growshop and they also recommended some fertilizer. I will absolutely get the bloom fertilizer today. I will post the fotos on the weekend of Week 6 of Flowering :)
Thank you Very much for the info!
@Gullo, well, I am watching diaries and plants every day, and I see your plants are pretty hungry. This soft colour will be fine in the last week of flowering, but now they are indicating some problems with the feeding regime.
The soil you are using only contains food for 4 weeks, so I think is the moment to help the plants with an extra.
You can use CAL MAG and bloom fertilizer until the 7th week without risk to overfeed them. You can stop to use the rest of fertilizers 10 days before the harvest, I think is enough to clean the substrate.
I hope this can help you to get a huge harvest!
Sweet smokes!
@Sweet_Seeds, Do you think its recommended? I haven't added any kind of nutrient because the soil is an All-Mix type and my growshop suggested to only water it. Im worried though because probably a little Cal Mag should help, but I dont want to overfeed them :(
.Let me know !
@Sweet_Seeds, Thank you Sweet Seeds! This is my first grow with this seeds and I'm really hoping to get a great bud out of it. Premium oils will be obtained out of it for sure :D