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Back from the Dead.

4 years ago
bav Light Emitting Diodes/250W
bava Light Emitting Diodes/250W
Room Type
weeks 1
weeks 1
weeks 1, 3
weeks 1, 3-5, 7-8
10 L
Pot Size
4 L
4 years ago
A few weeks into this grow, As in photo my plants ain't faring to well! They were all flying until I moved them on from canna 70/30 into ecothrive coco lite ( not by choice, no canna locally ) Ghost Trains went down first, then full wilts started on everything. My pal was on the phone, he had given me a lift to the shop and bought the same Ecothrive stuff. His much older clone of gorilla breath was down and curling up as well. FLUSH. The C/F on my run off was over 5 times my full flower feed. My pal brought his plant around in an ambulance 'cos he didn't have enough water prepared for the job, we did full dose peroxide flushes on everything trying to get the nute levels down. But this wash only lasted a day before nute levels skyrocketed again. and ph up at 8. something. Its took over a week to stabilise the medium, my pals GB is still here, it's recovering from the bottom up, and the new growth is not distorted. it will have to go back soon or it will be taking to much light from my own, I have felt pots to move my plants into for flowering, But I gotta get on the phone and find some coco with nothing added. I gotta be in control. ecothrive doesn't allow that. Starting the diary I failed a bit. The germ info is wrong. GTH 5 from 6 seed cracked, I dropped a pot hence 4 plants. I purchased these from Attitude and The Scott's OG came with them only 2 of 4 germed ( both Male. Nice plants though, plenty of triches for males. one I sexed 2 week ago ,the other is maturing later. ) The rest were all freebies as well. Oh yeah the GTH's There are three females one classic sativa pheno and two more Indica looking plants. The other which I think is male is a bit of a mutant with three and four branched nodes. I have seen this mutation in plants before they have always turned out male. We shall see. There was also a Green Crack (HSO)seed that failed. I ain't gonna kill the males straight away. I will collect P from them all by forcing before I flower Females . Take up no room in the freezer. New toys to play with.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Flowering
4 years ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
500 PPM
45 %
14 °C
10 L
3 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 3
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 2 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 2 mll
Nitrozyme - Growth Technology
Nitrozyme 0.264 mll
Back in control of my Nutes, potted on, everything is flying, I don't know how many days the lockout put me behind? at least 16 days.But we are here now 5 days after flip and at the point where things start to get interesting. As you may notice my nutes are at minimum c/f levels. I bounce them about from as low as point 8 to around 1.2. There are two reasons I do this, the main one being 'Root development' and the plants internal rooting switches not being allowed to go into 'Chill Mode.' Gotta make em work and search for food. I couple this with always keeping them wet ( Well Oxygenated water is essential to make this work) This means my plants don't have to make those huge water searching taproots and just focus on finding food which it does with a much finer and more efficient network of roots. My other reason for keeping nutes very low is the stretch! I have 9 plants in a 4x4 so the only way is up. Also I will not trim out the lower branches on individual plants until the stretch is over. I won't sort out final positions for the plants until stretch finishes either, only then will I put my wires in to do a bit of LST and get the light shared out between them. I said I have 9 plants in the tent, two of them are very late in sexually maturing. A digi microscope is showing some weird looking immature flowers, the Scotts OG has pistils showing at some nodes but other sites on main stem look a bit masculine or are double calyxed? wait and see eh? This along wth the the Ghost Trains are by the door. As I said in my first post this GTH has a couple of mutations, quad and triple nodes, leaf fingers above and below main leaf, it has tiny flower structures with massive guards leaves covering them, even with the microscope I can't determine sex. I grew the GTH reg's looking for a male, not found. But the Scott's OG male is very interesting. Big, Robust plenty of resin. It isn't highly aromatic but there is a whiff of buttery cinnamon buns and a hint of citrus on a stem, leaf rub. From experience these mean next to nothing, the only thing that matters to me in a male is if he carries and passes the potency gene on. Been caught out a few times with smelly highly resinous, big flowered males whose progeny were all that, but no potency. ( pollen chuckers lottery) Anyways, next weekend I will pull these plants out of the tent, get individual photo's and Bio's. I had better make myself some time to do it!
Used techniques
Week 3. Flowering
4 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
650 PPM
45 %
15 °C
14 °C
10 L
4 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 5
Blagden Pond Bioactivator. 0.1 mll
Black treacle 1 mll
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 2.5 mll
Two weeks of !2/12 done. Everything is going fine. My lamp is on full whack with the reds switched on, the UVA has always been on. This week I have got to keep a close eye on my run off for PH and C/f. The pond activator starts decomposing any bits of dead root, plant root excretions, even the coco itself. This results in a big jump in C/f and PH. The broad spectrum of bugs push the PH up but I stay on top of it with daily high volume run to waste using light Nutes at PH 5, by doing this the more Acidic tolerant bugs get the upper hand and after a week or so my PH will stabilise and I can cut down on the volumes of liquid I am putting through the pots. Whatever is in the activator does the job I want it to. It is a bit of a ball-ache to stabilise but after that, it is a dream. Why you may ask don't I use one of the many specific cannabis inoculations. For one Cost, an £8 250ml bottle will last me for a thousand years, cuts out the need for all the crap the industry tries to sell you! Also our little dancing friends, the Fungus Gnats do not like it. I get the odd one but no colony build up. Also I have not had any systemic infections in my pots since I started using it. (at least 10 years). I have thought about Infecting a glucose solution with it, then stabilising it to favour acid conditions and using that, so I don't have to monitor the first week so closely, but I'm a stoner and I can't be arsed. I have not tried pond activator in anything but Coco. I could see problems in soil regarding control. I would deffo try in full hydo though. The outdoor plant is a chemdogging S1 it germed out in the garden in a pot I thew in the garden last Autumn. A few had popped up only this one survived the bit of snow and minus temp's of three weeks ago. I lifted it threw it in a 5 litre pot in the greenhouse. I am curious about this plant as I have a number of seed from a reversed CD. I wasn't planning to start germing outdoors for a few weeks yet, but nature has jumped the gun. Today I have the secateurs out and will start taking out the bottom branches on the plants, also inspect for bollox on everything especially the ghost trains. I did say I would get plants out and photo them, but nothing needs moving, I can leave my bending till the last as my tent is 2.2 mtrs tall so I still have a bit of room to play with. In vid the back row left to right. Wedding Cake - Bit leggy and twiggy at this stage. Main cola branch is bent over but not tied down. By the time it gets back up, the other branches will have promoted themselves a bit. This plant has good girth and its habit is very similar to a USA cut I have grown. Difficult to clone relative to the others plants in this mother hunt. 14 days every other plant clone is in a pot and feeding, wedding cake is still in the starter blocks showing nothing. Back and centre, Orangesicle Looks and grows like French Cookies, it's parent ( I have a Mother FC in another universe) A nice looking plant which fimmed well, It is the smelliest plant in the grow with a very distinct Orange aroma. 4 cuts all feeding within 14 days this plant has vigour. Back right. Maltezerz. I like the look of this plant, Habit is similar to it's GG4 parent, I am expecting a yield of this plant. It has the stem and the right look. It does have a slight chocolat Hashy smell. Easy clone. Centre left. Blue Sherbelato. Did not like being fimmed or pinched out. Did that Hazy thing where the stem stretches at the node and promotes a main growing tip out of the two or four Meristems. 2nd slowest to clone, I dont have high expectations for this plant. Centre Mid. Ghost Train Number 2 . A little weed compared to the other ghost trains. Though they are 10 days younger than the rest of the grow 1,3, and 4 have overtaken size wise the other plants in tent. I may have to get it a crate to sit on otherwise it will get swamped. It cut ok . I won't dispose of the cuts just yet. The strongest green I ever smoked came from a little weedy plant. Centre right. GTH3, Big Skunky looking plant, Long internodes, Massive leaves Another plant that didn't like pinching out. Front left GTH1 Classic Haze shape it has been bent and topped and weaved in an out of itself. Cut easy. Front Centre, GTH4, The plant with weird growth. I thought this was male for a long time. It really looks a nice plant Easy cut. Front right Scotts OG. Nice vigorous plant. 'Well behaved'. It has a smell, Spicy Hash and Cookies, interesting. Easy clone. I have A male Scotts OG, Smells very similar, He's still in a 5 inch pot and getting fed up!
Used techniques
Week 4. Flowering
4 years ago
142.24 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
700 PPM
45 %
15 °C
14 °C
10 L
4 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 6
Black treacle 1 mll
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 3.5 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 3.5 mll
22 days of Flower done, all pots have stabilised except the Small Ghost, I don't think it is genetically 'Small' as it's cut is just as vigorous as the other clones. Never recovered as quickly from the lockout as the others I suppose. Now, I will start slowly increasing E/C . How high I go for each plant? We shall find out together. I have begun to lolly-pop the plants, a process I will continue to do right up to flush, If its gonna be larf it's coming off! These plants are a lot taller than I had planned, the lockout and full recovery took longer than I expected, + days lost due to a quest for new coco. It will only cost me time in the end, and with big root systems only feeding 1 .77 sq ft of canopy after thinning, bending etc. It should not hurt my yield. I also realise there will probably be a large, 4 or so week window for these plants finishing, I can open up the space a bit then to help finish late bloomers. (I have a UVB lamp at the ready, to Speed it up at the end.( In more ways than one?) After more bending I will add some doses of silicone over a few days. Help repair the branches that I have Crush Bent. The silicone also toughens up the plants against Insect attack. When using Silicone I dilute before use to prevent precipitation of elements. Day 24 - Maltezerz This plant is most advanced into flower, plenty of resin being produced. Smell is forest fruits and berries first, then Afghan Hash with a distinct chocolate finish. If it keeps a similar flavour profile to the end and has the promised hit of THC, Wow. Orangesicle. This plant is a lot more stretchy than French Cookie parent. (Tangie influence) The smell is powerful and a distinct Orange but a bit on the sharp synthetic side of the profile. Probably change and mellow with maturity. Blue Sherbalato, Tons of resin with a distinct sharp citrus sherbet smell. GTH 1, The smell is complex 'Dirty Lemon floor polish' then Diesel, then underneath a musty mushroom type smell. Not unpleasant, but not that inviting. GTH 2 and 3 Clean fresh lemon scent very pleasant and lifting. GTH 4 This is also dominated by a lemon scent, but different, Sticky Sweet Lemon, like Drizzle Cake, an oily thick heavy lemon aroma. Scotts OG. This is weird, in the morning this plant smells like a custard slice, by lights out, the smell has a tinge of sour milk or yogurt to it . No hint of the Ginger and Spice of the grow phase stem rub! This plant is quite slow out of the blocks and stretched as much as the GTH's. No real resin production up to now. Wedding Cake. Beautiful complex aroma. It smells like a Panattone with a touch of Black Hash underneath. Different to the US cut I have grew before, which was high yielding and very potent but lacked much aroma at any stage.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
152.4 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
900 PPM
45 %
15 °C
14 °C
10 L
4 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 6
Black treacle 1.5 mll
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 3.5 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 3.5 mll
31 days into flower, I have slowly upped the cf to 1.8 since my last post, I have added a bit of Cal/Mag and upped the pk and treacle. My lights will come on as I am writing this, so we will see soon if yesterdays biggest feed to date has had any adverse effects. Video is my run off left to stand in shopvac over night. As you can see it is 'Alive' and bubbling away. What is going on does not smell like yeast or Vinegar, it smells like 'Clean fresh Compost'. So I expect the runoff is producing CO2 and Methane. CO2 is good, roots can absorb it. With the Methane there is possibly some Ethylene being produced, which may have some very positive benefits as far as plant chemistry and suppression of masculine traits? The gases bubbling off the runoff 'Soup' would not be difficult to Identify with a couple of wash bottles and a few readily available reagents. I ain't got the time, or the kit. There are definitely a few different organisms at play here as you can see different structured plaques forming on the water surface, and different foams forming with the bubbles. Just took photo's, everything looks good except Blue Sherbalato, Developed a kink in top leaf, that could be a couple of things, I shall work it out. (highered light a bit, dropped c/f, pushed cola away from light centre, and I shall let this pot dry out a touch, it has been happy till now.) Every thing else is looking OK, all got a touch of tip burn. Canna Coco sometimes does not have enough N for grow, and almost always too much N in flower so I expect a bit of tip burn especially in high calyx to leaf hybrids. The plants are using around 2 litres of water + food per day with a slight + or - on c/f with first runoff. Ph going in at 5 to 5.5. First runoff is 6.8 I will keep watering till runoff hits 5.8 or lower so it usually takes between 3 and 4 litres of nutes. per day. Hate being this wasteful with nutes , not enough going on in the garden to use it all out there yet, so down the drain it goes. I have thought about re-circulation, if I was bigger and running clones maybe. The Blue Sherbalato has shown me I got to start treating these plants as individuals and tailor their treatment accordingly. The GTH have changed their smell, the Lemon is still there but fuel and floor polish is becoming more dominant in 3 of the plants. My plants are in 10 litres of Coco in 15 litre felt pots rolled down. Maltezerz, Orangesicle GTH 1, . plus the Scott's OG will run out of pot space so I will top them up to the 15 litre. Got to make decisions on the cuts of these plants soon. I hate culling plants before the parent has finished its cycle.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
152.4 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
650 PPM
45 %
15 °C
14 °C
10 L
4 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 6
Black treacle 1.5 mll
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 3.5 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 3.5 mll
Everything is on flush (water, 10g treacle per 5 litre, 10 ml canna boost) Except GTH 2,3,4, they are on a feed made up of Canna Coco A+B to 1.2 ms Cal/mag to 1.4 and then 2ml per 5 litre of PK/13/14 , Boost at 4 ml per litre and treacle. I wish I had sussed the GTH feeding earlier, The weak N and added PK seem to keep them looking much healthier in the leaf rather than full mix Canna Coco., No 3 GTH has only just really kicked in over the last week or so , a 12 weeker? GTH 1 is finishing 65 days?
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
152.4 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
650 PPM
45 %
15 °C
14 °C
10 L
4 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 6
Black treacle 1.5 mll
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 3.5 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 3.5 mll
We are cruising now, 8 week and a day done of flower. The Blue Sherbalato and Wedding Cake are finished both have done poorly compared to the others. I said in my first posts neither plant was vigorous compared to the others. Maltezerz should make a fair yield and is also pretty much finished .Considering it did not have best speck and did not stretch as much so ended up being overshadowed a bit by everything else, it's done ok. Orangesicle has smashed the room, I can't wait for a proper taste off all of them. Of course I have quick dried samples from all, except GTH2,3,4.. I am not holding on to cuttings if they are not good. WC and the BS cuttings were launched weeks ago, They had no vigour, took almost a month to root so the plants just were not up to it. Yet the other weak seedling GTH2 has took off as a cutting and has needed more control than the rest. All the tests were pretty potent, not a lot between them, nothing disappointing ( I have been disappointed many times in the past with potency levels being no where near the claimed effects in the catalogues.) There was nothing unpleasant in the quick dried taste test, and a lot to look forward to. The outdoor plant has started flowering at around 45 days from germ, though it sprouted in an old chemdogging pot, I think it is from a GG auto mother, it has her structure with large calyx and heavy buttressed lower branches. I have gave her a light touch of pollen from the reg photo scotts OG male. So there will be a few seed in her, none would be Auto in the first generation, will I get the time/space to play with them?
Used techniques


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OimRauschcommentedweek 34 years ago
Herrschaftszeiten 😅, These r some serious gems in your garden.. very nice choice of strains👍👍good luck for the rest of the way🤞 Servus
fanofCalvertcommented4 years ago
GTH was wanted, and purchased. While the other were dips from a pile of freebies. 'Variety is the Spice of Life.' and my Mrs is not such a fan of the Trippy stuff! I have to do something especially for her, always. Hope your Bud is as good as it looks.
Grow3rPTcommentedweek 74 years ago
Que maravilha, vou acompanhar :) Espero que no final tenhas umas grande colheita.. Podes passar pelo meu diário e dar a tua opinião Bons fumos
Lacrimacommentedweek 34 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
fanofCalvertcommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia, Thanks homer. I usually do okay with my grows. I'm a newbie on here but not a newbie to plants. Mid 1970's I popped my first bag-seed . On and off ever since. Tempus Fugit.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 84 years ago
Slayin it, the best of the best.
Eclectic_Bloomzcommentedweek 84 years ago
Funny, I just commented elsewhere on your diaries. I grew maltezerz. Grew well. Still smoking it and it is great. It's the plant on right in my kerosene diary. Yielded fairly well also. Good luck. Enjoy!
Canna96commentedweek 84 years ago
Nice video and great plants!!!
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