@Fast_Buds, This one is dead. Couldn't escape the seed and the tap root died. Any suggestions to keep this from happening? I did try and help remove the shell, but even I had trouble getting it off.
@Fast_Buds, Thanks, but that's not necessary. I'm not upset over it. I've been gardening over 25 years, it happens. I was just curious for future grows. They are from the same pack, so that makes sense. Thanks for the reply!
@dgraves, no it is not a common issue for Pineapple Express, are the seeds from the same pack? that's probably why they are carrying the same genetic traits.
If you'd want we would be more than happy to send you other PE seeds for compensation.
PM us, please.
@Fast_Buds, The dead tap root was over an inch long, and I can't say how long it was before it shriveled up. If you're referring to the pic above, that's was just to show progress, not to show when I put it in the soil. All of the other seeds from fastbuds have germinated and are growing fine (including PE attempt #2).
The question I asked was more for my information, since I had a similar problem with the second PE seed, but not any of the others. Is this a common issue with PE? Or did I just happen to have the bad luck of popping 2 PITA seeds back to back? Thanks