Watering and Feeding today. I think its the last time feeding there are 2-3 weeks more to go. The girls looking healthy and smelling gets stronger.
After ashort thunderstorm we had rain for 1 hour. Girls looking fine
Watering evey day about 2 liters its so hot
Watering and feeding
The Girls are
Watering. The Girls are doing fine they freaking out. theBuds grow biiiig
watering and only one gets a feeding. in the night rain and wind
Nothing, in the evening was thunderstorm and wind
I put it tomorrow in teabag ind cove rit with toilet paper for a few days then i put it into big pots because of beeing autoflowering plants . the risk of hurt them is to high. so i put htem directly into big pots
Vielen Dank für den geilen Growbericht mit der Hazelbox. Habe wenig Erfahrung und hab lang nach einem Test im Netz gesucht. Denke diese Growbox passt auch ganz gut für mich. Hab neulich einen Aussteller in einem Shop gesehen und in Echt sieht die Hazelbox schon etwas größer aus als auf den Fotos. Der Ertrag sollte locker reichen :D :D :D
@Nem04, Also es kommt drauf an wie du den Platz nutzt. Ich habe auch eine Hazelbox , aber die Plus. Da kann an schon 6 Pflanzen reinstellen. Man muss dann eher auf Höhe als in die Breite gehen. Aber kannst eigentlich nicht viel falsch machen mit der Hazelbox ;) Läuft sowieso von selbst
@PharmaZ, the good one on jokes is... i dont understand them most time^^ but still dont understand maybe wanna explain per PM.. or we just let it like it is.. everything is ok
@Mrs_Larimar, I guess It’s like a diversion because of the awkwardness of my first comment about “how you can’t resist a guy with flowers...” sorry my joke is not funny 😂
Be carefull with heat, i can say that 36 degrees (c) is WAY to hot.. my garden has about 24-26 degrees(day) and 21 degrees(night) and they are showing "tacoleaves". just a heads up, other than that they are pretty easy to grow and they yield good aswell.
PS put them on 18/6 light/dark, and raise the night temp to about 20 degrees(c).
just sharing my experience with the stresskillers..
Good luck with the grow! :D
@mrgreen, Like the others the girls are in a greenhouse at the moment. but i watch the day temperature now very ecactly and try to give them the humidity they need