The plant is growing fine, but I have some leaf problem - tvisted and bumpy leaves. Can not be Fungus - no dull spots. Could be Mites, but no trase of this either. Probably in the ground - so I gave 3 gallons of clean water. Seems to work, - it's getting better.
After your question I checked your grow again in the weeks before. he leaves are drooping dw, soil wet and black. I think its prolems cause of overwatering. Let the soil dry between feeds. I dont see the darker leaves of overfeeding or burnt tips or anything.
@BioBuds, It helped when I flushed it through with 3 gallons of water, but you are right that it needs to dry for a periode. I put my fertilizer in the top soil. The 3 gallons of water can have removed nutritients in the soil or added some. I am still confused. The plant does not look like its about to die or anything, but..
I also protect it against the rain most of the time, but a couple of weeks of sunshine would be welcome ...
Nice one mate, the first 2 weeks are always too slow but not slow down under in the soil. The roots were preparing for the visible boost we see now. Everything is in order to bring you high in a few months time.
All the best