Very happy that my three plants bounced back nicely after my fuck up of the week before (no watering)
I'm kind of curious of how and when the flowering will happen, it's starting to smell (delicious) just a little bit
@RocketHigh, Your welcome my friend. I seen some un happy plants and I try my best to help them out :) Though the real thanks should go to you for being patient taking my advice and not stuffing her with loads of chemicals trying to revive them which is what most would do. :) I'm sure they will do you proud when you come to flower them :) they look like different plants from the last time i seen them and that your work i only gave you a gentle prod in the right direction hehe :) Best of luck to finish these ladies up I'm sure you will smash it :)
Are those white pots drainable? It looks like they are closed pots, but i can wrong ofcourse. In the case of closed pots, its not ideal.
For the rest, go for it, show those green thumbs!!!
@Organic_LarF, hey, thanks for your comment! I think they are : there's a tube (in black) for the water to vaporize into + the bottom has a little "separation" system in order to let the water drain :)