~~30MAY2018 - 05JUNE2018~~
Plant was watered on 30MAY2018(D+42) w/ Flower Feed, Flush started 4JUN2018(D+47). The next run of Guice is looking good, have them nice and stretched out. So far they love PH ~6.0 and PPM~Less then 600(In Veg). All Flush water has been PH'ed to 5.9-6.0.
Harvest Date Projected: 18JUN2018 (D+61)
Biscuits, Sorry for all the messages, first time commenting back lol!!!
The Capt. Thanks You Again!! lol
We were having issues with temp but with my intake fans going I think I got enough airflow in my tent to cool down everything, almost like wind chill.
P.S.- Hopefully it shows this time, this is for everyone else to see and know lol.