This lady is getting tall. She's doubled her height in a week I'm hoping that means deep roots. Dutch Science only recommends their Seed and Root formula for the first two weeks of growth. This being week number 3 we will be switching to Dutch Science's Grow Girls Grow combined with a little Cal-Mag supplement also from Dutch Science. Since i'm starting her off with the Cal -Mag i'm hoping I can avoid some of the nutrient imbalances that have pooped up in my other diaries.
We got mega sunshine this week and some pretty scorching temperatures but the high humidity prevented things from getting too crispy so our girl has made it through her first Ontario heat wave no worse for wear. However... with heat come pests. There's obviously something feasting on the tasty leaves of our girl but i'm not sure what exactly so I gave her a spray with Safer's Insecticidal soap. It worked with leaf hoppers last year so I'm hoping this is a similar case. Unless its caterpillars. I hate caterpillars.
Not nearly as much sunshine in the forecast this week, but it looks like a few good rain storms so i wont need to water much this week at all.
Edit. Upon further reading it looks like it may be Caterpillars afterall. Will treat with BTK.