Defoliated one final time, running out of height space fast. Hopefully they do not stretch much more in the final 6 days of stretch.
Also picked off a few lower shoots after pics were taken, it was quite a aggressive defoliation so hoping they recover well in the next few days.
Also raised ec by 0.1 as the ec dropped a point over the last few days.
@Ferenc, if he wants to see more diaries of runtz grown in all styles check my other diaries. I have grown it organically in soil, in coco, in hydro with a nft table and Wilmas using clay pebbles. With HPS and with LED👍
@TheWeedaltor, with the right pheno its probably the best thing I have grown in 18 years🔥 always pop a pack of 5 or 10 and you will be shocked at the quality of some of the phenos brother
@AwfulBuddy, I did do even better than that on a later run. I did cheat a little and cut the top half of the canopy down and gave the bottom half another 5 days to totally finish up which helped overall yield
@Hydro_grow, I have grown it in all mediums so you can check my diaries to see exactly how I fed. Main thing is don’t run too high in late flower and flush for 10 days minimum even in hydro. If you have any questions feel free to message me or ask on here👍
@@ThePuffingprincess17, thank you🙌 I have grown it in many ways under different light types and always produces such high quality I struggle to grow anything else🔥
Personally I prefer to defoliate two times instead of just once if plants are bushy, when plants are healthy you don’t stress to much them and have a better circulation of air making them stronger, less humidity and less risks of mold, but this is just my opinion
You know yet by yourself how to grow 👏🏻😉
Good luck 💪🏻💚
@TheWeedaltor, I did end up defoliating two days ago. I just knew deep down it needed it, I did it on the first day of flower, then the 8th day and will do it a final time on day 21.
They are really flourishing and has been a real good start to the flowering period.
Thanks for the advice brother👍
@bobtheblob, yeah 100%. I am going to put a scrog net over the canopy and use a new 630w led which will hopefully increase yield at least 30%.
I have two real nice fruity phenos and one not very fruity but absolutely coated in thc.
I will probably run all three phenos but might only use my favourite one or two in the next run.
I have just purchased some red hot cookies from sweet seeds (basically Tropicana cookies) for the dark red/purple pheno and thinking of crossing it against my best two runtz phenos like you did👍