2021-06-07 (20)
It’s been hot as hell. A real scorcher and frost is now out of the question. Upwards of 34 and windy the last couple days. I try to make it out every two-three days to water but being in the ground there’s not too much to worry about watering wise, they should be fairly self sufficient pending a no rain heat wave.
I did fuck up, the three newly germinated seedlings I planted to fill the garden got cooked. I’m going to have to wait for this heat to die down before starting the 3 new girls since I can’t water them twice a day like I like when they’re freshly planted in the ground.
This girl is the smallest of my autos. She hasn’t grown much from last update, but I’ve seen this before in other strains and she could just explode in flower.
Stay tuned, flower is right around the corner!
We had five nights in Alberta at or below zero just before the May long weekend with one night of -3 C. Growdiaries minimum temp is 10 C. The plants survived and looked fine but they’re slow to recover and some are definitely dwarfed. I’ve culled some but also leaving some to see how they turn out.
@ButtersStotch, yeah it was two weeks after our usual last frost and I had lots of plants out. We’re restricted to a set 200 m2 area so I couldn’t just move them inside or something easy like that.