Now we are at week 4 since start of flowering (12/12).
Same ole same ole Blueberry OG still awesome, but finally the rest have started flowering and showing some phenotypes - quite chuffed about the dark purple one. Now just time for some swelling of the buds - what do you guys use to fill in the buds?
They are under the VanQ GLMX720 LED run at 80% (680W)
Humidity in the 60-70% range and day temps around 30C and night 23C. (heat wave and heavy rains - the ventilation cannot keep up - yikes)
In biobizz light mix in fabric pots.
Fed greenhouse powder feed short flowering, PK booster, Silicate powder and some CaSO4
Kind Regards
Hello there! Yes I believe flowering occurs when plant is mature enough, they used to say only start flowering cycle when the side shoots who grows first by two at the same level on stem, but do it when they come one after the other.
All the best for this week in your beautiful garden!
Looking awesome, no worries even under duress those pics are good enough! Same here in Wales weather really humid but cold here and not in the best of spirit, thankfully we have some cool meds! All the best for this week!