Huge variantion between the seeds. Some yielded okay, but nothing special flavor, smell or look. One looked spectacular, but yielded poorly and doesnt seem that strong either.
I really like these nutrients. Easy and good quality. Eventhough i dont think i get the full benefit from the microbes in the bioenhancer i really feel like i get the chelating effect and a bit of strength probably from the added biostimulants
Hello there! Yes I believe flowering occurs when plant is mature enough, they used to say only start flowering cycle when the side shoots who grows first by two at the same level on stem, but do it when they come one after the other.
All the best for this week in your beautiful garden!
Looking awesome, no worries even under duress those pics are good enough! Same here in Wales weather really humid but cold here and not in the best of spirit, thankfully we have some cool meds! All the best for this week!