5/24/21 - three seeds placed on moistened paper towel enclosed by two small plates in a warm space. 2 seeds roughly same in size, one considerably larger. roughly 80f, 50% rH in the germination space (aka storage closet).
5/26/21 - seedlings were planted in FFOF soil, compostable germination pots, grouped together in a takeaway soup container, domed by a sandwich bag*
5/28/21 - 2/3 seedlings have emerged, one lagging behind. soil moistened by spray bottle filled w/ dechlorinated water
5/29/21 - final seedling emerges
6/1/21 - transplant seedlings** to 5 gal, fabric pots filled w/ FFOF soil. seedlings still domed by sandwich bags, weighed down with soil. misted inside the bag 2-3 times a day, soil kept wet around the seedling roughly 2-3 in. diameter.
*i found this technique very effective in my last grow though ideally i would replace the laminated paper soup container with a SOLO cup... if i could just remember to pick them up from costco lol
** should be noted that i broke away and removed the compostable starter pots. through experimentation i found they inhibited growth either by root bounding the seedling inside the starter pot or insufficient drainage from said pot, flooding the roots. the starter pots peel away/fall apart very easily, but i will likely be using a different method once i run out of these ;)