Amazing growth from week two to three. Growing 2 UK cheese autos after one died after moving to super soil too soon. Very impressed the germination and growth rate of this strain so far. No nutes yet but moved to DIY supersonic.
As much as you can possibly give it. But if you can manage to give it at least 5+ hours of direct/strong/warm sunshine, preferably in the morning(mornings have that stronger brighter light, "spring", whereas sunsets are more red light and similar to "fall") that'll at least do the job. Definitely not just window light, if you can move it around each day to ensure its getting as much light as possible that's best.
@CannabisChick, you know well be very interested to see how you get on :)
Please tag us when you begin :)
Some very vigorous growth being shown in this early stage ;)
Really nice work!
Kind regards
Hey there so I think most of us are typically getting about 12-13+ hours from sunrise to sunset, unless you're very close to the equator? So if the plant is able to be outside all day getting the residual light, but getting the 5+ direct, your plant should be one healthy and happy lady. If you wanted to supplement with other lights you could, but its definitely that time of year to take advantage of mother nature. Happy growing
We had a great summer of sunshine but rained heavily towards the end. Lost summer took bud rot and pulled earlier than ideal. But still pretty happy with the yield!
Oh mama Mia I'm on the other side of the world so its oposite here, springtime. I had a friend study abroad in Australia. Yea if you can manage at least the 5 it'll be ok, remember the autos originated in Russia, with cold short summers, they are pretty resilient strong little buggars.
Happy growing down there, I'm sorry for the approaching winter...hopefully you had a nice summer etc. :)
Thanks you definitely helped! I live in Brisbane, Australia so it's the beginning of winter here and days are getting shorter. But I can definitely manage 5-6hours of sun in our sub-tropical, frost-free climate.
Another week snd snkther week of staeady growth.
1-2 more weeks then we will start to see flower formation if this has not already started :)
Looking good my friend :)
Kind regards
Hey i am a bit late but ive been watching for a while , Do you just use seasol or Powerfeed also? Seasol is not a nutrient its a health tonic , Powerfeed is the nutrient
Got me some U.K Cheese Autos that im getting ready for spring and when they finish got me a Choc mint OG photo period
@Humboldt_Seed_Organisation, Yes i will be doing a diary here for sure , Am starting in about 3 weeks , Waiting on some Canna Terra and for the weather to warm up , Plan on popping the U.K cheeses on the 25th of August
@AussieChron, could we talk you into doing a diary on this great platform?
UK cheese auto followed by a chocolate mint og grow. That would be epic and greatly appreciated 👍
Kind regards
I love an organic grow its the only way if you ask me :)
Being from the UK cheese is a strain I know well so let's see what you can do with our Auto UK Cheese :)
Good luck my friend!
Kind regards
@CannabisChick, you know well be very interested to see how you get on :)
Please tag us when you begin :)
Some very vigorous growth being shown in this early stage ;)
Really nice work!
Kind regards
Week 7 and the buds are developing really well indeed and trichome production looks amazing :)
Nice work and please keep the updates coming 👍😎👍
Kind regards
Another week has passed and by the look of things flower profuction has started ;)
A happy looking plant ready to throw out some tasty HSO goodness
Thanks for the update mate :)
Kind regards