Bro. respect. It’s cool! I agree with you all the way about defoliation. Usually I do it even with autos. Although many said to me that this should not be done but I still do! And now you’ve confirmed my method.
omg!! your harvest looks amazing, good job
im in week 2 of my first grow and i would love to get some feedback on my grow from an experienced grower like you
Thanks, friends!
About defoliation.
A lot of growers are crazy about their plants and blow off the dust particles! No need to think that you can not cut the leaves. Proper pruning stimulates the plant to work and build mass. We grow no leaves. Large leaves take energy of plants .. Large leaves take energy of plants .. cutting them, this energy goes into the new shoots. If the feeding is right there is absolutely no stress and even the other way around.
Of course, if you cut off 90% of the leaf, the plant will not feel good and some time will go for recovering. But if to cut 25-50% of the leaves of a strong plant, it will be only benefit. + More light enter into the bush. Сut away yellowed and diseased leaves immediately .. how many recommend, no need to wait until they fall off. Plant eats using roots not leaves, do not forget it.
@ami, you can cut a quarter or so. Allow recovery semotional stress .. then cut other .. works ..
Everyone has a way . Some diffrent from others, some are the same, taking alternative routes for same ending 👍.A good Finnish. .🙏
bro, is it necessary to have such large size of pot and substrate? It is not the land. When you grow on wool it’s enough 3-5 liters per plant, no one does 20 l pots. Or mapito is a substrate, which implies a greater size than wool?
Choose the size based on your needs. The plant is greater, the roots are greater too, so you need a larger volume of the container. Clone can grow in the cup