Cant wait to see some real flowers on this lady🤗 I water every day in this grow, switch between nutes and clean ph adjusted water👍
The stretch is over, im feeding very small amounts of N also in this grow. 🌱💚
Changed fertilizer from GHE to Green Buzz Liquids, i just really like this product,
so it was an easy decision for me 🙌😀
Got one of these going as well. Mines a bit stunted but I think it looks like its going to be a good smoke. Yours is looking way better then mine. Think this is defo going be a good strain.
@hashy, nice mate it is a delicious strain 😊 okay mine has also had some minor setbacks, but cane throug fine. It was my fault, several of my plants need a little ekstra attention due to lack of time, but i hope they will all be fine, with a decent result 🙏😊