Day 32 (8/9/2021)
6.1 PH, 74.8 temp, 560 PPM
Bumped lights to 85%
Day 33 (8/10/2021)
Changed reservoir out with direct well water, not calcite hardened tap water: 3.5 gallon water, 2.5 tsp maxigro, 1.5 tsp hydroguard, 1.5 tsp calmag
Resulted in 710 ppm
4.3PH 3 hours later, added cap of ph up
Day 34 (8/11/2021)
7.1 PH, 770 PPM
Added 5 ml ph down… Should have just left the reservoir untouched overnight instead of adding PH up
Day 35 (8/12/2021)
5.2 PH, 750 PPM
Day 36 (8/13/2021)
5.3 PH, 770 ppm
Evening: topped up with 1/2 tap water and small amount of calmag
Day 37 (8/14/2021)
6.3 PH, 630 PPM
Defoliated, have 6 cola tops
Day 38 (8/15/2021)
6.1 PPM, 630 PH
Day 39 (8/16/2021)
Changed reservoir out with tap water: 3.5 gallon water, 2.5 tsp maxigro, 1.5 tsp hydroguard, 1 tsp calmag
Resulted in 6.6 and 750 ppm, Added 3 ml phdown