15 day's old
One little lady is noticeably smaller than her sister but after surviving her cotyledon falling off its understandable she maybe small but she is healthy and that's good enough for me 💚
They have taken to full nutrients a real treat yet and they also seem to prefer water twice a day every other day as opposed to one big drink at lights out so if that's they prefer there wish is my command 🙏
I get so much joy out of caring for my babies and watching the different stages they go through it seems only fair I give them the love and care they need.
I even talk to them 😂😂 I know sound's mad but that's me
Thanks for taking the time to read this update I look forward to reporting on there progress.
Stay blessed 💚 💚
Really nice diary, glad I found it as im having a 2nd go at this strain from AMS after my first attempt outdoors got root rot. Having grown a few strains from AMS now, I agree im VERY happy with their genetics. They do grow fast and easily.
Hope mine turns out as nice as yours, swing by and have a look and let me know any tips. 😀