before 7 days, i put my seeds to germinate on wet paper. but one seed hasn't germinated properly. one seed have grown half cm long. what should i do... need yall help...
Too much water I believe. You are suppose to het humidity, not water.
I really suggest you to try seeds directly in soil, I had no fail germination with it....
Hola amigo , se nota que tiene mucha agua ese recipiente y ese papel absorbente . La idea es dejar las semillas en germinación con el lugar humedo ( no mojado ) a unos 20C ... Lamentablemente quizas se pudrió , o tiene ese aspecto , que pena u.u...podria estar germinando otra semilla psra reemplazar...saludos mi amigo y ánimo!
yellowish brown is bad... I see straight up are /have drowned your seeds...I have a card posted but it might be blury...from crop king seeds on germination gaurantee.
1 soak seeds in BOTTLED SPRING WATER 18 hours NO MORE!!! place in....... MANY MANY MANY..... folds of paper towel....this is to keep MOIST NOT WET and they get air.pour sping water on towels but DO NOT WET/SOAK..... was done in glass 18 hours.. now moist and keep moist NOT WET until tap root reaches 3 quarters an inch. the only thing i change is.....I put the plate...towel goes on plate. I put mine on my computer modem on the coolest part thats warm not hot.I would check for seed temperature...I think high humidity and heat...check me about 80 f...check that dont trust me on that part... but for sure you have WET if i can see water pool. good luck.