Another flawless week with "Ava". As I've stated previously, she is an absolute breeze to grow. She doesn't need to feed, she doesn't get pissy when she's thirsty. Just the soldier for any grower.
November 10, 2021, Wednesday. A bit of foxtailing going on. Checked PAR, Humidity and Temp all are well within range, this may be genetics. I know Purple strains can tend to foxtail. I think it's cool 😎
November 11, 2021, Thursday. I may move "Ava" into the "Desk Growspace" some time this week, because the space I have her in is technically my "Veg Room". The "Veg Room" is a converted TV Entertainment Center. My motto has and always will be "Reduce Reuse Recycle". It's Fabulous for your pockets and even better for the 🌍Earth.
November 12, 2021, Friday. "Ava" appears to be doing well she doesn't show any signs of toxicities or deficiencies.
November 13, 2021, Saturday. Watered "Ava" thoroughly.
November 14, 2021, Sunday. Day of rest.
November 15, 2021, Monday. Day of rest.
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T