These are my plants that won't be around much longer. Learned a lot about what to do, moreso about what not to do.
If I could impart any wisdom on a new grower it would be you arent a mad scientist. Don't mix things on a whim and if you do, WRITE IT DOWN. I find it damn near impossible to get better at this without some sort of knowledge of my past mistakes to reference. Whether your experiment is successful or not, you'll have no way to recall those results. I'll say it again, WRITE IT DOWN.
And secondly, HANDS OFF. For awhile I was doing more harm than good being a helicopter parent to my plants. You gotta learn to listen to them the best you can to avoid this.
I'm happy with how they look, but I think I may be disappointed with the yield. Either way I'll have some quality herbs. I loved these plants (Maybe too much) but I can't wait to put them to shame with my next round.