Welcome to the fourth week of my Bola Mintz 🙏
Things are going well, the girl is growing up and is in good health. 😇
The lateral branches are developing and starting to have a shape. At the end of this week I started removing the older fan leaves, slowly I want to remove them all leaving only the last two or three internodes in order to favor the passage of light and the development of the branches.💪
With the application of neem oil the thrips and midges are all dying, I see very few of them around. 🔥🔥
To help the plant after the various defoliation I am spraying @GreenBuzzLiquids Fast Plants Spray and I love it, the plants benefit immediately and look amazing.💚
The Bola Mintz is starting to have more water demands and I started giving it water every two days.
Promises well!
Thanks for stopping by🙏🙏
@HirdoWeirdo, yeah she is looking very nice indeed @Anesiaseeds are delivering big time genetics i love how my Anesia Seeds are developing great stuff 👌🏻