So... a thing happened trying to get the Autos going for this grow.
TL:DR; lots died and this is the champion
I started with two different autos, a cheese-sus christ and a blue hindu. I had issues with the grow mat and I believe it's going bad on me. Albeit, the first two seeds I went to germinate did so very well. I was also germinating two other photos that weren't quite ready yet and I decided to go another 12 hours. I was impressed with the growth of the tap roots within that time. They both managed to bind to the paper towel... I tried to get them loose and ended up breaking both tap roots badly and scrapping those.
Round 2: I start two more seeds, one of each. Mind you this is my second to last cheese-sus and we really like that strain. Anyways, the cheese-sus gets a nice tap root and the BH had nothing after 48 hrs. I decide to plant both and see what happens. Side note, the BH was actually a last minute buy and not really wanted in the long run. The cheese-sus pops out of the ground like a bull in a china shop!.... I'm pumped and excited to get the show on the road! Then THEY arrived... the spider mites. No Idea how they got there but they did. Thank everyone looking out for me bc it was only the tent with this single germinated cheeses-sus and a BH that refused to pop as theses little bastards killed that girl in less than two days...
Round 3! I start two more seeds, one of each. Mind you, this is my last cheeses-sus seed....ANNNNNNNNND it's gone. never germinated. I was upset. Wanted to just throw out the BH and be done with it but she popped out of that rooter like it was no one's business. Now i'm stuck with her... Hopefully she does well