We so need to get an xtra tab for preflower when doing updates for when the plant switches from the veg stage to the flower stage. Cause I got #1 going into full flower mode so gave her her first set of cat drenches. And #2 is in preflower jus alil behind her sister. But she will get normal drenches till she is in full flower mode for alil bit then ill start her cat drenches.
So for wen the plant gets to flower an buds are set then give her 1st set of cationic drench at 15ML per gallon of RO water.
TEA 3ML per 5 gallons of RO water.
Then normal drenches are.
Transplant D. 15ML per 1 gallon of RO water.
Growth D. 15ML per 1 gallon of RO water.
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress! Keep on growing!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T ๐โค๏ธโ๐ฅ