New Update !
End of Day 42 and i got some really better pictures now !
I hope you can tell me more about his defiencies he is really sad about all West Coast OG because they are not like he wanted them. Maybe you know why they are stucking so hard ? No vertical grow since about 2 weeks and very bad flower development !
The GSC are his favorites as you can see in the pictures. The first GSC is not perfectly happy but she looks OK. The other 2 are his very very favorites, great smell, great frost, great growth. The Cal/Mag defiency from the 3rd GSC does not affect growth at all but he needs to fix it as fast as he can !
I hope you enjoy his new pics and can tell me a bit more about his plants ! I am enjoying this now and i am really addicted to post some pics of his plants and i like to know whats wrong with them.
Happy growing, Martina !
@TaNg, hello sircould you maybe take a look at the updated diary please ? This would make me and my friend very happy !Thank you and happy growing master
@Martina420, I agree wth @TaNg that they are overwatered. Usually every other day should be good in 3 gal pots. As well, calcium deficiency with those spots and can be remedied with some calmag supplement. Looking good tho!!
@BigDaddyK, yes and i think they looking really good for a first grow on day 35 but he is never satisfied when something goes not perfectly like he wants it.
He said his pots are light now but they still looking overwatered...
He also have some new issues like the brown spots on the newer leaves of the overwatered ones. i dont know if this is calcium defiency as @TaNg told me that the red spots (week 5 Girl Scout Cookies) are Calcium defiency and the new brown spots looking a bit different !
Thank you for the help guys and have a nice afternoon !
Hi Martina, your friends plants look great, don't worry about loosing a few of the bottom leaves this is common. If there are red 'rust' spots on the newer growth it will be a calcium deficiency,also common and easily fixed with some liquid for the drooping leaves this can be over watering or underwatering, the easiest way to gauge if your plant need water is to pick them up and judge by the weight.
Hope this helps and welcome to GD 👹
@TaNg, hello sircould you maybe take a look at the updated diary please ? This would make me and my friend very happy !Thank you and happy growing master
@TaNg, thank you very much !
i will add some pictures when i get them.
he said his pot were very heavy so it could be overwatering.
He has some new issues now but you can see them in the pictures i think.
Thank you a lot sir !
I'd personally give them a dry Phase on and on so the roots can pick up some co2 too in order for the plant to breath and pick up all the good nutes you/he is giving them. Personally don't know if It's true but i read about it and doing it in my Diary and it's working pretty well so far! Keep it up.
@Martina420, watering was one of the reasons I changed to deep water culture (DWC )I found it very hard to avoid deficiencies,ph problems , pests - the most resilient strain I've found so far is gorilla
@FAST_BUDS, Thanks a lot for your breeding work !Let´s see how they are turning out as he did many mistakes with his first grow :D !We would be very happy if you could tell us something about the defiencies the plants are dealing with ? The 3.Girl Scout Cookies is growing very very frosty with very dense nugs but the defiency is very hard ! He is feeding with Canna Mono Calcium and Magnesium, his tap water is about 0.85 EC ( he mixes 1/3 distilled water with 2/3 tap water) with high amounts of Calcium (113mg/L) so he added 1ml/L of Magnesium the last days but this never helped and her leaves are getting browner and browner ..:(The West Coast O.G are all very small but i am pretty sure it was his own fault ! Could u tell us something about the yellow leaves of the 3. West Coast O.G ? Maybe he messed up with watering as they were overwartered 2 weeks ago. The leaves are yellowing more and more and the pistils are turning brown after 45 days without much flower development :( after he overwatered he was feeding very low amounts of water about 200-300ml every 2 days.Thanks for the Support and he really enjoys growing faster ! :D