Diary Legend:
💧- Watered
🌱- Seedling
🥦- Vegging
🌷- Flowering
🌲- Cut Down
🍃- Defoliation
✂️- Topping or FIM'ING
🚂- Training (LST)
💩- Fertilized
🆕🏠 - New Home (transplant)
11/18/21: Day 50. Plant is showing signs of drying out, but to retaliate, she can sit and wait until I want to. Which may be tomorrow, or it may be never.
11/19/21: Day 51. 💧Reluctantly gave the plant some water, otherwise it was likely to have died. I still find it strange how the top buds keep throwing out white pistils, while the lower buds are nearly all cute little red headed girls. Perhaps I will raise the light a touch, for the heck of it.
11/20/21: Day 52. Plant is removing all nutrients from lower leaves, and seems to be moving towards the final stages of life. Took a peak at trichomes, still quite clear. I was hoping it would be finished soon, I so I can lower the light to an optimum level for the other plants. Buds do still seem to be fattening up, ever so slightly. The smell is still slowly changing from the carotene, and is now a little more towards a typical weed smell. Not a chemical smell, but a nice earthy aroma. I wish I knew what the common terpenes were for this strain, so I know if it's normal or not. I still need to stake the plants branches, but I no longer have the feeling that the buds will get so heavy they fall over. Still, I want to be safe, rather than sorry.
11/22/21: Day 54. Plant is still doing alright. There are noticeably less white pistils on the top of the plant. I will water the plant later on this evening. I had also decided I'm going to harvest this one early, but still not for another week. Once week 9 is completed, that is when I will harvest the plant. I will allow it one more full week to pull out more nutrients. Next run I will let it go longer, and keep testing to see what length is best. I have a feeling this one jump started a little early, as the pistils died back faster and sooner than any other plant I've grown.
11/23/21: Day 55. 🌲Decided I had had enough, and chopped her down. While I would have loved to let he go longer, I harvested her now for two reasons. Firstly, I felt it had been long enough as it was, so I want to see how she handles now, and I will grow it longer next time, and compare. Secondly, I wanted to lower the lights, and remove the plants from atop the buckets. Now they can be placed back down on the ground. With the DDA removed, I can now see the open spaces that I can fill with the other autos.
Curling of the leaves!
Anyone know why this is? Other plants are fine, temperature isn't anything extraordinary, watering levels are on schedule, and the same nutrient dosage as many other plants.
It looks like she been over watered by her blistered looking leaves, and I suspect the lower half of her roots have been too wet, watering to much in organic soil will cause all sorts of weird looking plants with toxicities like the nitrogen one you have. Try watering only when the pot feels really light