Nothing fancy at all. It's seems the plant it's getting revived or at least I think so. This week I feed her again, this time with 1/4 of suggested dosage. It's seems green color is getting back, after I poisoned her :)
First set of /lower/ leaves are getting sick I presume, and surely gonna fall off. Definitely not looking ok to me, maybe they just age out?!? If anyone have a idea what's causing thins - please leave a comment. Thanks in advance!
Hi John,
This is an easy one :) Nitrogen :) A quick way to know a nitrogen defieancy is the lower leaves starting to fade to yellow if left it will work its way up the plant and get worse. Nitrogen is a mobile nutrient within the plant its needed all the way through the grow no matter which stage your in. Yes she does not need alot in the flowering stage but she still needs a good amount also the browning could be a cal mag issue that shes not getting enough of that either which is very common for autos. let me explain what i have found with auto genetics. at the start they are very tricky tto feed they dont like alot then when you reach the first few weeks of flower they explode and require alot more nutrients this is where i think you are my friend. Just up her feed abit and this should clear up in a few days to a week. I would say on a 2nd guess it could be a ph imbalance but i doubt it as its only the lower leaves that are effected at the moment if it was the ph they all would be :) best of luck anyway brother
Can someone looks and suggest what to do? Many leaves are turning yellow, even youngest one. What the hell is going on? Maybe it's night temperature, which drops to 17.5 or it's PH of water? It must be something I did not as expected. Any ideas or it's too late to save her?
Its nutrient burn. You have a salt buildup in your medium which is causing a nutrient lockout. Water with just water for the next couple times and you should see some improvement. When feeding you should only feed once a week and then just water the rest of the time. You never want to feed every watering.
Happy Growing
for sure the night temp is really low and affect directly to P absortion it even make the water retain less solved oxygen, the optimum range is at 23ºC try to get at least 20-21ºC.
Hey there, Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌 Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help. Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
@Fast_Buds, Thanks for offered assistance! Can you look at the photos and the comment for the week? Is everything looks all right or I have to do something extra? Maybe LST is not done right? To much pressure applied on branches, etc...Thanks in advance!
Creo que tu planta está genial, creo que en un par de semanas te sorprenderá. Quizás no es la plnta más grande por ahora, pero no se la ve para nada mal 😎
@Taito, Yep, it's getting taller and bushier. I will do even more LST next week, because lack of space. It's a MUST to stay low. I promise not to break the top, as I did with purple queen last time 😍
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T
@TheUk420Show, You observations seems meaningful. I'm starting to think the same about auto's. I have tried different strains and setups, but unfortunately every last of them develop this kind of sickness/deficiency. First I've used DIY LED light, which I believe was too strong and purple /COBs/. Soil was generic for any kind of plant, pot was plastic. Royal Cookies literally thrives, as turned my drawer into jungle. Royal Dwarf has no complains at all in even smaller grow box. On the other hand - Purple queen /check diary if you want/ seems not good as expected. Second seed was with the same results. One Easy bud was destroyed by the same thing. Then I have decided to change soil, pot and light. Everything looks ok until now. I will feed het today with some bloom mix nutrition's. Thanks for the fast response.
p.s to the other fellow which replayed to /cant find his username/. If you reading this - your observations was also right. I cant's say it's physical damage, as I was very careful when applying LST. It must be some sort of deficiency, but as I said earlier - I lack the knowledge. Thanks to you too.