Well I decided to transplant these two finiky gals. I'm hoping after the initial shock of the transfer their growth rate will pick up some vigor. I believe that I may have added a bit to much happy Frog all purpose in their original pots. I'm going for a water only organic grow so I will not be using any bottled nutes. I want to bring out the beauty of the Dosi 33 to it's potential. I prefere a main-line style training technique but decided to top at the 3rd node and use LST to train the plants. I will also use a trellis net to spread them out as much as possible.
As far as feeding schedule there isn't one. I pre amended two 3.5 gallon plastic pots with Nature's living soil original amendment. I also brewed a nice compost tea and used that to pre soak the medium to activate all those amazing microbes and good stuff. I did this process 12 days before transplanting my gals into the said pots. This helps to make sure the soil isn't too hot. Also it has a very strong and not too pleasent odor and pre wetting helps to keep your house or whatever from smelling like poo 💩.
Just because they are white, doesn't mean they are mature. Over time they will grow in size until the head becomes too heavy and they will start to bend under their own weight. Slowly turning amber when over ripe. They may be white, but not right! Good luck
Hey all my Dos si Dos 33 tricomes are all milky oversized and starting to lean over. The thing is I still have about 2 weeks left. I can't for some reason load picks do please check out the latest picks in diary.
What do I have? I've searched all grow forums and have not come across a phenotype such as mine, a Dos si Dos 33 that is stacking some rater interesting fox tail flowers"not the bad kind". I'm not complaining at all,the buds are beautiful and frosty.
Thats typical in barney bro, i have had that same style of grow with barney in their blue gelato 41, in a glookies and in a runtz muffin, they are getting bud above bud and really fat up, its all good, that's barney bro
Hey all,I made an error on the wet weight. It is not 657 oz, it was 657 grams wet. I wish Grow Diaries would add the weight in their editing options.
@Homestickycannabis, so what do you have dry then cos 23oz wet is that frow both plants ? I have not heard of anyone getting over 10oz a plant and I'm just curious to know what your dry weight is cos your wet is high